Important Terms Feb. 12, 2014
Conductor Materials that transfer (or conduct) heat well are known as conductors. Metals are the best conductors. Why? Metals have the most “loose” outer electrons to transfer the thermal (electrical also) energy through the material.
Insulator Materials that Do Not transfer (or conduct) heat well are known as insulators. Wood, Glass, straw, paper, do not have many “loose” outer electrons to transfer the thermal (or electrical) energy through the material.
Heat Conduction The transfer of heat (thermal energy and electricity) through the collisions of atoms or molecules and the actions of loosely bound electrons.
Convection The transfer of heat via the expansion of fluid or gas resulting in the matter becoming less dense and rising.
Radiant Energy Any Energy, including Heat, that is transmitted through empty space or the atmosphere. Radiant Energy is in the form of Electromagnetic Waves. This includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.
Radiation The transfer of Heat Energy through the atmosphere or free space (vacuum) without the reliance on conduction or convection. The transfer occurs without the need for interaction with matter.
Absorber Matter that absorbs more thermal energy than it reflects. A dark colored object will make a good absorber.
Reflector Matter that reflects more thermal energy than it absorbs. A light colored or shinny object will make a good reflector.
Emitter Matter that emits more thermal energy than it reflects. A dark colored object will make a good emitter.