Reformation of Toastmasters Districts in Continental Europe Prepared by Morag Mathieson DTM Committee Chair Presented to DECMs of D59 & D95 on February 6 th 2016
Initial Work Jan – July 2015 Establish need for reformation (growth projections) Make contact with clubs in undistricted countries in Europe DECMs approved request be sent to Executive Director Application to start reformation approved August 2015
European Reformation Committee Formed by District Directors of D59 & D95 Members: Agnes Tarnai Markus Kuenkel Kees BroosLuis Caetano Jaroslav KovacPiotr Chimko Morag Mathieson (Chair)
Committee’s Task Develop a proposal to create district structures in Europe that are: In line with Toastmasters Policy (policy 7.0) Sustainable Operationally manageable For implementation on 1st July 2018, if approved by the Board of Directors
Basic Principles Minimum 100 clubs per district Geographical Proximity Growth Potential Financial Stability for each district Quality & Continuity of Leadership No division of countries preferred Consider undistricted countries
Program Plan Sept – Jan Sept 15Oct 15Nov 15Dec 15Jan 16 Analysis Work Consulted Division Directors District Communication Consult WHQ Map Creation Map Testing Diligence Work with undistricted clubs
Current Countries of D59 Belgium France Netherlands Luxembourg Switzerland Spain Portugal Italy Andorra Lichtenstein
Current Countries of D95 Germany Denmark Sweden Norway Czech Republic Hungary Austria Poland Finland Romania Slovakia Latvia Lithuania Estonia Ukraine
Countries with Undistricted Clubs With the Board of Directors Greece Bulgaria Republic of Moldova Croatia Slovenia Serbia Cyprus F.Y.R. Macedonia Malta Russia Turkey
Outcome of Mapping 22 possible maps Challenge of meeting the criteria Experimented with splitting countries 5 districts / 7 districts Clusters of lower strength clubs Restricted diversity Future reformations
Membership & Club Growth Sustainability Leadership Financial Capability Operational Capability Distinguished Clubs
Districts A B C D E F
Draft Reformation Proposal A Spain, Portugal, Andorra B France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands C Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden D Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania E Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Lichtenstein, Greece, Bulgaria plus Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, FYR Macedonia, Cyprus F Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine
Proposal Details DistrictCountriesNo. of clubs June 30th 2015 No. of Clubs June 30th 2018 (projected) No. of Clubs June 30th 2020 (projected) ASpain, Portugal, Andorra (8%=88) 126 (8%=103) BFrance, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (8%=115) 168 (8%=134) CGermany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden (8%=127) 167 (8%=148)
Proposal Details DistrictCountriesNo. of clubs June 30th 2015 No. of Clubs June 30th 2018 (projected) No. of Clubs June 30th 2020 (projected) DPoland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (8%=87) 166 (8%=101) ESwitzerland, Austria, Italy, Lichtenstein, Greece, Bulgaria plus Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Cyprus, FYR Macedonia, (8%=89) 114 (8%=90) 130 (8%=104) 147 (8%=113) FCzech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Moldova (8%=84) 145 (8%=98)
Program Plan Feb – June 2016 Feb 16Mar 16Apr 16May 16June 16 Draft Proposal Webinars Website info Feedback Feedback until 19th March Proposal to District Council District Council Vote Consult WHQ Implementation Consult WHQ Submission to WHQ Map Reworking Consult undistricted clubs Finish work with undistricted clubs
Let‘s do it together!
Contact Webinars: Monday 15th February Thursday 18th February