Diplomatic and Military Powers
President has the power to make treaties
Must be approved by 2/3 of Senate
President can make executive agreements, or pacts with foreign heads of state
Doesn’t need Senate approval
President can make executive agreements, or pacts with foreign heads of state Doesn’t need Senate approval Flow out of past agreements/legislation
President has the power of recognition
Acknowledge existence of country
President has the power of recognition Acknowledge existence of country Cut-off diplomatic ties (persona non grata)
President has the power of recognition Acknowledge existence of country Cut-off diplomatic ties (persona non grata) Often used as a step to war
Commander in chief power is the most unchecked
Literally can lead troops into battle
Commander in chief power is the most unchecked Literally can lead troops into battle – On 200 occasions, presidents have sent troops with out a declaration of war
Wartime Powers of a President
Powers expand greatly
Wartime Powers of a President Powers expand greatly Can use the military for domestic peace
War Powers Resolution of 1973
With in 48 hrs, must notify Congress of actions
War Powers Resolution of 1973 With in 48 hrs, must notify Congress of actions Troops may remain for 60 days with out Congressional approval, also allow for 30 days for a safe withdrawal
War Powers Resolution of 1973 With in 48 hrs, must notify Congress of actions Troops may remain for 60 days with out Congressional approval, also allow for 30 days for a safe withdrawal Congress has the power to pass a concurrent resolution to end action