HELLO My name is Elizaveta. I am 11 years. I live in the Czech republic. I visit the sixth class in primary school Jirasková in Benešov. My hobbies are playing the guitar and majorettes. I love my family. We have got three rabbits and one big cat.
HI! My name is Jana. I am 12 years old. I live in Semovice. I like chocolate and pizza. I have five brothers and one sister. I can play the guitar. My favourite sport is football. I play tennis and table tennis.
HELLO My name is Simona. I am 11 years old. I live in Chrášťany with my family. I have got two brothers and one sister. My brothers are twins. My sister and I are twins too. I like cycling and horse riding.
HELLO! My name is Michal and I am 12 years old. My family and I live in Semovice a village in Benešov district in the central region of the Czech republic. I like to eat pizza and hamburgers. My favourite colour is green. My favourite school subject is Maths. I like to play table tennis.
HELLO My name is Lucie and I am 12 years old. My hobbies are cycling, horse riding and gymnastics. My favourite colour is light blue. I have got two brothers and one sister.