Downton Abbey-Role play 我是剧中人 每周五晚 6 点 -7 点 CC 群:
Introduction Joe Perry 桑迪潘英语明星外教,教学总监 学员公认的雅思男神!拥有英 国斯特灵大学硕士学位, TEFL 教 师资格证书。主讲雅思口语及写 作。雅思授课经验非常丰富,讲 解清晰明确,富有亲和力,循循 善诱,善于提出问题引导学员提 升英语水平。风趣,博学,而又 有亲和力,对英语教学有自己独 到的见解,深受学生欢迎。现担 任桑迪潘英语教学总监。上过 Joe 的课的学生,提分率高达 98% 以 上。
Scene 1: Carson’s Pantry Roles: Carson William
Scene 1: Carson’s Pantry Carson, the butler, sits in his magnificence. He wears an apron for his early duties. The silver safe is open nearby and three candlesticks are on his table. William knocks. WILLIAM: Breakfast is ready, Mr Carson. CARSON: Ah, William. Any papers yet? WILLIAM: They’re late. CARSON: They certainly are. Get the board out, so you can do them as soon as they’re here. William opens a cupboard and takes out a blackened ironing board which he sets up. An iron is heating on the grate. CARSON: Do you know what’s happened to the fourth of the Lamerie candlesticks?
Scene 1: Carson’s Pantry WILLIAM: His lordship took one up with him. He went straight from the dining room to bed. CARSON: Did he, indeed? I’m trusting you to fetch it back when he’s out of his rooms. Why didn’t Thomas tell me last night? WILLIAM: He thought it didn’t matter. CARSON: Everything matters, William. Remember that or you’ll never make first footman. Never mind butler. Everything matters. WILLIAM: Yes, Mr Carson.
Scene 2: Drawing Room Roles: Mrs Hughes Anna+Daisy
Scene 2: Drawing Room The maids are finishing as Mrs Hughes looks in. MRS HUGHES: Is the morning room tidy? ANNA: Yes, Mrs Hughes. MRS HUGHES: Good. I want the dining room given a proper going over, today? You can do it after they’ve had their breakfast. She catches sight of Daisy, still bent over the grate. MRS HUGHES: Heavens, girl. You’re building a fire, not inventing it. How many have you done?
Scene 2: Drawing Room DAISY: This is my last ‘til they come downstairs. MRS HUGHES: Very well, Now get back to the kitchens before anyone sees you. Daisy gathers up her things and scuttles out.
Scene 3: Kitchen Roles: Mrs Hughes+Thomas Mrs Patmore+William
Scene 3: Kitchen Now the room is bustling. Mrs Patmore is putting eggs and bacon into some chafing dishes. Mrs Hughes is with her. MRS HUGHES: I can’t make myself believe it. MRS PATMORE: Me neither. Thomas looks round the door. THOMAS: His lordship’s dressed. This immediately increases the tension. MRS PATMORE: William! Please stop talking and take this tray. And mind the burners are still lit. WILLIAM: Yes, Mrs Patmore. THOMAS: Is it really true? WILLIAM: ‘fraid so.
Scene 4: Dining Room Roles: Robert Carson Edith+Mary+Sybil
Scene 4: Dining Room Now the butler stands alone by the sideboard. ROBERT: Good morning, Carson. CARSON: Good morning, m’lord. ROBERT: Is it true? What they’re saying? CARSON: I believe so, m’lord. Robert takes up a plate. Watched by Carson, he lifts the lids and helps himself to breakfast. ROBERT: I’m afraid we’ll know some people on it. Lady Rothes for one. We only saw her a few weeks ago. I don’t suppose there are lists of survivors, yet?
Scene 4: Dining Room CARSON: I understand most of the ladies were taken off in time. ROBERT: You mean the ladies in first class? He looks at the butler who acknowledges this. ROBERT: God help the poor devils below decks, on their way to a better life. Mary enters with her sister, Edith. EDITH: When Anna told me, I thought she must have dreamed it. MARY: Do we know anyone on board?
Scene 4: Dining Room She goes to help herself to breakfast. Edith joins her. ROBERT: Your mother knows the Astors at least she knows him. And we dined with Lady Rothes last month. There are bound to be more. EDITH: I thought it was supposed to be unsinkable. ROBERT: Every mountain is unclimbable ‘til someone climbs it. So every ship is unsinkable until it sinks.
Scene 4: Dining Room The door opens again. This time it is his youngest daughter, Lady Sybil. SYBIL: Good morning, Papa. He nods, pointing at the yellow square. ROBERT: What’s that? SYBIL: Just arrived. A telegram. I told the boy to wait, in case there’s an answer. Robert takes it, slits it open and reads. He is quite still for a moment, then he stands abruptly and leaves the room. The girls stare at their father’s unfinished plate.
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