Education for Sustainable Development in European Higher Education Jos H.A.N. Rikers (OUNL) Geert R. de Snoo (Leiden University) Rietje C.E. van Dam-Mieras (UNESCO Chair on ESD OUNL & Leiden University) European Seminar on Sustainable Development Minsk, March, 2011
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March EfSD in European Higher Education Presentation: Regional context: 27 member states in EU Main trends: European Higher Education Area
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March H.E. & SD in Europe - 1 Regional context –Premise: need for paradigm shift –European policies and strategies Lisbon Bologna –Shortlist of ESD practices in EHEA
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March H.E. & SD in Europe - 2 Main trends: Approaches in the European context –On Curricula and the learning process: From EoSD to EfSD –Research –On the institutional level Integrating SD in E: Learning for Sustainable Development Copernicus Alliance –Social and community engagement Regional Centers of Expertise OPEDUCA project
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Regional context - 1 Premise: One of the biggest challenges Human kind ever faced is to get Human behavior in line with the wish of continuous presence on Planet Earth. Since the Club of Rome report we have 40 years of experience that solutions within the existing framework do not exist. It is now time for a paradigm shift
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Paradigm shift?? Globalization exceeds the traditional frames of reference societies have. Hence finding solutions needs new frameworks based on the diversity so significantly present in different cultures & economies around the globe.
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Regional context - 2 European policies and strategies Lisbon Strategy (March ) To ensure the current EU wealth and to ensure growth through a competitive knowledge economy ? How to redefine wealth ? How to redefine growth ? Is a knowledge economy sustainable Midterm Review: 2004 European Union and its Members States have clearly themselves contributed to slow progress by failing to act on much of the Lisbon strategy with sufficient urgency. This disappointing delivery is due to an overloaded agenda, poor coordination and conflicting priorities. Still, a key issue has been the lack of determined political action
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Regional context - 3 European policies and strategies Bologna Process (Declaration June 1999) Harmonization of the European Higher Education policies and create an European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010 So far the discussion was on instruments and not so much on paradigm shift and the role of universities as change agents (Anne Corbett, 2008, GUNI Report Higher Education in the World 4)
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Regional context - 4 European policies and strategies: the role of universities How can universities become change agents? A search for practices might indicate the direction?!
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Regional context - 5 Studies on innovative practices show: EEAC, 2005 Governance is of strategic importance to make the shift. Agenda 21 approach of capacity building, ownership & civil society engagement on all levels is not taken up in EU countries.
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Regional context - 6 Inventory of innovative practices in ESD: EC, DG Education & Culture, 2008 Different geographical levels Different scales of implementation Innovation in content Innovation in delivery method Innovation in forging new partnerships & networks Innovation at the institutional level Let’s have a closer look at the trends….
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Main trends 1.Curricula and the learning process 2.Research 3.Mainstreaming SD in Higher Education 4.Social & community engagement
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Main trends - 1 On Curricula and the learning process From EoSD to EfSD United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2005): EfSD: An instrument for capacity building for individuals, groups, communities, organisations and countries to make judgements and choices in favour of Sustainable Development
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March From Education on SD to for SD Learning on SD Discipline based Fragmented Learning for SD Disciplinary Multi-disciplinary Trans disciplinary Local Regional Global Formal / Informal & Non-formal learning
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Main trends - 2 Research From RoSD to RfSD
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March From Research on SD to for SD Research on SD Discipline based Fragmented Symptoms oriented Research for SD Disciplinary Multi-disciplinary Trans disciplinary Local Regional Global Knowledge generation Discipline based Universities Complexity Societal context
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March From Research on SD to for SD Research for SD is: Comprehensive Root level oriented Systems approach Future oriented
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Main trends - 3 Integrating SD in Education Governance at institutional level
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Integrating SD in Education - 1 Learning for sustainable development needs to be integrated in the whole H.E. system on course level curriculum level institutional level Institution – society interaction
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Integrating SD in Education - 2 To assure SD integration include assessment criteria in: Accreditation QA cycle. Example: The AISHE instrument International exchange and collaboration to support this: The Copernicus Alliance
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March The AISHE instrument - 1 AISHE Assessment Instrument for Sustainability in Higher Education (Dr. Niko Roorda c.s.) “The instrument covers all relevant issues related to the complexity faced in integrating sustainability in higher education”
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March The AISHE instrument - 2
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March The AISHE instrument - 3
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Main trends - 4 Social and community engagement Regional Centers of Expertise OPEDUCA project
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Social & community engagement – 1 Regional Centers of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Social & community engagement - 2 Regional Centers of Expertise Four principles –Governance and management of the RCE –Transformative education –Research & development –Collaboration In Europe 26 Global 85
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Social & community engagement - 3 OPEDUCA project The OPEDUCA concept is developed by a group of teachers, schools, universities, companies and experts Combines formal and informal learning Uses the “real world” as a learning environment
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Conclusions A firm basis in EU policies A firm basis in HE engagement Very diverse policies on national level Sustainable Development is present in words, but no paradigm shift has taken place so far
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Recommendations European QA in HE mechanisms should be updated with SD criteria (e.g. AISHE model) European universities should engage in a SD Annual report H.E. institutions to engage in sustainable regional development (e.g. RCEs) EU subsidy programs should stimulate EfSD initiatives EU subsidy programs should stimulate European wide collaboration and networking (e.g. Copernicus Alliance)
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March Thank you for your attention Contact:
Jos H.A.N. Rikers Minsk March