Concept note for CPDA RANGERS Project Adrian Morel, Larry Chavis, Cyrus Samii, and Laura Paler
Project description Consolidating Peaceful Development in Aceh Trust Fund (CPDA) At-risk youth 18-30, unemployed/underemployed ex-combatants are a large percentage Vocational training & jobs as forest rangers Six districts: Aceh Jaya, Bireuen, Aceh Besar, Pidie, Pidie Jaya, Aceh Barat High conflict intensity areas High environmental/forest degradation
Research questions What is the effect of providing a job on social integration and socially responsible behavior? What is the added value of providing a community oriented job?
Indicators Community Involvement Local youth committees Gotong Royong (Mutual assistance) Law abiding behavior Abuse/acceptance of new status Social Status Meeting attendance (where they sit) Religious ceremonies Approached for donations Marriage Self Esteem
Identification strategy and sample 1200 at-risk youth 600 (eligible) 600 (ineligible) 300 (selected) = Treated 300 (not selected but tracked) = control 300 (not selected but tracked) = control RANDOMIZATION Information campaign, basic age criteria Issue: open call for applications vs selection by community? Lessons from other countries TEST (= Baseline) TEST = baseline Community consulted in determining eligibility criteria (welfare indicators, measures of social integration, health, ex- comb blah3) Minimize attrition through regular phone checks (data collection) + provision of phone credits Hi!
Timeline Preparation phase: July – Sept 2010 Recruitment (one round): October 2010 Phased training roll-out: 90 days: 100 trained 60 days: 100 assessed Regular follow-up on basic indicators Intensive follow-up at end: Nov day cycle X 3
Impact evaluation team DIME researchers: Cyrus Samii & Larry Chavis & Laura Paler Bank focal point: Adrian Morel
Impact evaluation team DIME researchers: Cyrus Samii & Larry Chavis & Laura Paler Bank focal point: Adrian Morel Field coordination: FFI Data collection: firm or students or KDP wth support from FFI
Estimated budget Project: US$ 2.6 million (grant to the implementing agency) Data collection $60,000-$80,000 (rough est.) DIME assistance logistics: $30,000 Working time of Bank team: (covered) DIME researcher time: TBD Dissemination: $20,000