Tornado Safety
Pick a home tornado plan Pick a spot where family members can gather if a tornado is headed your way. Pick a safe and uncluttered spot on low ground. If you are in a high rise apartment building plan to meet in a hallway.
Have a disaster kit prepared Have a first aid kit Have a first aid kit Can opener and canned food Can opener and canned food Three gallons of water per person & per day Three gallons of water per person & per day Protective clothing, and bedding or sleeping bag Protective clothing, and bedding or sleeping bag Battery powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries. Battery powered radio, flashlight and extra batteries. Written instructions on how to turn off your gas, electricity and your water. Written instructions on how to turn off your gas, electricity and your water.
Stay tuned for storm warnings Listen to local radio and television stations for updates on the storm. A tornado WATCH means a tornado is possible in your area. A tornado WARNING means one has been spotted in your area.
After tornado passes Watch out for fallen power lines. Check for damage in your house. Never use candles at anytime. Use a flashlight.