Welcome Dial in: Conference Line #: Passcode: To mute and unmute your line, press * 6. Feel free to use the chat function to share thoughts or questions.
Agenda 1.Welcome and Roll Call 2.Check In 3.Showcasing KPI and Associated Metrics 4.Relationship Mapping: CWRF Indicator and How To Do It 5.Next Steps
Check In What did you try coming out of last month’s webinar? What worked? What didn't? Please type your responses into the chat.
Showcasing KPI and Associated Metrics Kansas
Showcasing KPI and Associated Metrics Kansas
Relationship Mapping What: The process of visualizing or mapping your network of individuals and organization partners using low-tech options (e.g., hand-drawn maps) or social network analysis tools. Why: Relationships are the currency of social media and help you be intentional about leveraging.
Relationship Mapping National Wildlife Federation Brought together a team that is working on advocacy strategy to support a law that encourages children to play outside. Team mapped their five “go-to people” about this issue. Look at connections and strategic value of relationships and gaps.
Relationship Mapping
Can you think of an example where external relationships have helped your organization achieve a goal? How could “relationship mapping” support your social strategy and help you get more impact? Relationship Mapping
CrawlWalkRunFly Lists organizations or partners but has not visualized or identified new ones. Uses low-tech methods (drawings and sticky notes) to visualize networks of individuals and organizations. Uses low-tech methods and free social network analysis tools to visualize networks. Uses data to inform strategy and tactics. Uses low-tech methods, free and professional social network analysis tools. Uses visualization to inform strategy and measure results.
Where is your current practice? What do you need to get to the next level? Relationship Mapping
Next Steps What action step will you commit to trying between now and the next call? Type your responses into chat and we’ll ask you to unmute (*6) to share.
Thanks! The next webinar is scheduled for: Thursday, November 29, pm ET/11am-12pm PT Please contact your Spitfire coach if you have any questions about today’s presentation.