Options to Address Stormwater, Road and Septic Issues
A bit of upfront notes: Everything I'm presenting here is very preliminary. We’re looking for your feedback and input on the extent and scope of project/funding options. Please raise your hand if you have questions as we go. If I’ll be addressing your question later I may ask you to wait. At the end well have a fully open question/comment period. Please write your comments on the sheets provided.
Recent Flooding Issues
April 2015
How do we solve the Stormwater Problems? Concept fairly simple – based on plans from 20 years ago Pipe the stream coming down the hillside into a larger pipe… estimate about 36” diameter Locate down the County Right of Way and enter the lake Provide road runoff treatment/control and pipe to main culvert
Watershed Drainage Area
Concept Plan
Stormwater Improvements Cost? Estimated cost is $250,000-$280,000 Obviously a significant cost for just 27 benefitting parcels Fortunately, Ecology has significant grant funding available for these types of stormwater improvements
Benefits Prevent flooding of drain fields, septic systems Improve access during spring flooding Improve Lake water quality by reducing erosion/drain field contamination into the Lake Improve property values
Ecology Water Quality Grants Demonstrable water quality improvement to Newman Lake Newman Lake is a high priority because of its water quality issues and its Water Quality Improvement Plan Grant would provide 75% of cost of project including design 25% match could be in form of low interest loan, spreading payments over 5-20 years Total match would be $ per parcel or about $ /parcel spread out over 10 years.
Options to fund match Additional “stormwater” charge added to FCZD assessment – can be benefit or contribution based Combine with Road Improvement District (RID) financing – benefit based Expand County Stormwater Utility District to include Honeymoon Bay area – contribution based Long-term also need to look at maintenance of stormwater facilities and funding to do that – if within Stormwater Utility District, stormwater charge would cover it.
Other issues that need to be addressed Improving and Paving of the access roads Septic Issues – exacerbated by floodwater and lack of stormwater control Planning these efforts together will save $ and prevent do overs… You don’t want to have to come in after roads just paved to install septic piping etc.
Road Improvement District Spokane County has a Road Improvement District program to help neighborhoods accomplish and finance road improvements Generally County Road fund contributes 15% of the cost with 10 year bond financing at 3-5% interest of the balance paid by benefitting property owners. Currently Backlog of 10 years but Stormwater Grant would move that up. RID is set up based on a “vote” of benefitting property owners, with one vote for every dollar of estimated benefit.
RID Financial Impact to Property Owners RIDs currently run about $9000/parcel Annual cost over 10 years would be maximum of $1100 But with Stormwater grant providing good base and density of lots, will probably be substantially less RIDs are designed to minimize cost to property owners
Benefits Improve roads for year round access Reduce erosion into the Lake Improve property values
Long term Facility Maintenance Once improved to be maintainable under RID, County Road Dept. would most likely establish and maintain the Road. Drain water account or stormwater utility coverage would need to be set up for Stormwater facility maintenance
Septic Issues Ecology now recommends handling septic issues on individual lots where possible Spokane Conservation District has program that can assist individual Homeowners Also option of doing feasibility study to look at overall options/ recommendation for solving septic issues Ecology grants would most likely be available to provide financial assistance. Again need 25% match funding.
Costs / Benefits Costs are unknown Depending on individual system Need/Interest in feasibility study? Benefits of Septic System Improvements Provide properly functioning septic systems for home owners Improve property values Improve Lake water quality by reducing contaminated runoff
Schedule So how long would this all take Ecology Grant application deadline this year is Oct. 16 th With our workload and funding issues to resolve were not going to make that deadline grant application with stormwater design/construction within 2-3 years and paving to immediately follow would be a reasonable expectation Septic issues are an unknown factor in the schedule
Questions ???? Contact Spokane County Engineering/Newman Lake FCZD Marianne Barrentine, PE, Environmental Programs Manager ph: Ethan Rogers, EIT ph: