Yr 11 HPE BIOMECHANICS Analysis of the Cartwheel
Phase 1 Standing position, arms outstretched, facing direction of travel Step forward, shift weight forward over front foot, transfers COG By transferring COG outside BOS stability decreases Bend front leg at the same time which lowers COG to momentarily maintain balance & stability Lean sideways + push off front foot initiates linear motion
Phase 2 Bend sideways & lower hand to the mat to create angular motion / momentum around the medial axis Apply force by pushing off strongly with lead foot followed by lead hand Reaction to push increases angular momentum of body and assists in lifting it into & beyond the vertical side handstand position
Phase 3 Keep eyes focused on hand position & arms, back + legs outstretched to maintain an effective lever Ensures cartwheel performed in a straight line
Phase 4 Angular momentum continued during descent by pushing ground with each hand as it passes below & behind COG Leading leg reaches mat - upper body + arms swing outwards
Phase 5 Apply law of conservation of rotational momentum to complete cartwheel in side facing astride position Set trail leg as it touches mat in a position to ground + stabilize movement to stop angular momentum