Keypal Connections
Overview of Program Design Third Graders will communicate while enhancing their vocabulary, story sense, and writing through technology.
Objectives Students will: communicate with peers through technology peer tutor using audio and visual aids create graphs and charts to measure elapsed time develop a writing rubric to measure their growth
Standards Reading –3.1 C (Decoding and Word Recognition) –3.1 F (Vocabulary and Concept Development) –3.1 G (Comprehension and Responding to Text) Writing –3.2 A (Writing as a Process) –3.2 D (Writing Forms, Audiences, and Purposes)
Meets The Needs Of All Students visual… auditory… kinesthetic…
Computer Software PixWriter Increase reading and writing levels Multiple programs available Guide for composing stories, letters, and student-made quizzes As the students progress, they will move from PixWriter to Write:OutLoud
Computer Software Write:OutLoud - m m m Illustrations throughout the students’ letters Interactive writing activities i.e. Venn Diagrams, Story Maps, and Story Webs Accommodating higher level students in writing letters, stories, and student-made quizzes
Budget Proposals Line ItemTotal Software2384 Hardware Staffing, Training & Tech Support960 Supplies982.1 Total
Proposal Graph
Grants Benefit Students
Evaluations Grade 3 Writing Rubric Below BasicBasicProficientAdvanced Using software to plan writing letters Creating and understanding charts/graphs Number of s and responses Number of spelling or vocabulary words used in week Including images in letters Editing for Spelling and Punctuation Sequencing - Flow of Letters
Constant Learning with Technology
Learning Occurs with Multiple Strategies 1.Reading 2.Writing 3.Talking 4.Typing
Constant Connection
Which Way Works Best? TraditionalModern