Primeros Pasos: Traduzcan las palabras de la pagina 213: the pants the shoes the blouse the jeans the shorts the jacket the shirt the hat Challenge question: Translate: some shoes a shirt the jackets 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso los pantalones los zapatos la blusa los jeans los pantalones cortos la chaqueta la camisa el sombrero unos zapatos una camisa las chaquetas
Frase de la semana:"El que tiene boca se equivoca" Literal translation: Who has a mouth makes mistakes Meaning: We all make mistakes sometimes (because we all have a mouth) 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso
Noun-Adjective Agreement All nouns have gender. How do we know if a noun is masculine or feminine? el gato la silla el and –o marks masculine la and –a mark feminine 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso
Noun-Adjective Agreement All nouns are either singular or plural. How do we know if a noun is singular or plural? el gato los gatos la silla las sillas los, las and –s mark plural 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso
Noun-Adjective Agreement Nouns and adjectives have to agree with gender and number! los gatos negra/negras/negro/negros los gatos negros (masculine and plural) la silla amarilla/amarillas/amarillo/amarillo las silla amarilla (feminine and singular) 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso
Which adjective goes with this noun? la chaqueta 1-anaranjado 2-anaranjada 3-anaranjados 4-anaranjadas 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso
Which adjective goes with this noun? los calcetines 1-azul 2-azules 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso
Write 3 correct noun-adjective combinations from the words below Nouns: La camisa los calcetines las blusas Adjectives: azul amarillo negro rojo 0-10 Primeros Pasos Review Noun-agj agreement intro vocab (pg 213) Crossword Ultimo paso