COPA Post-Rollover Setting the Year End Dates and Enrolling Your Children
Almost Finished ! ! ! One more thing to do before the last week of the COPA School Year for CYS sites! Family Next Year Preparation School Year Start and End Dates Child Next Year Preparation
Be sure to enter your attendance – each and every day – right up to the school year end date. You will not be able to access these dates via the ‘attendance and meal counts’ screens after the rollover is completed and the new school year has begun. There is no grace period !!!
Things to Remember: The COPA System Rollover is performed online by the COPA system Developers. Rollover is done after the designated school year end date, as shown on your Class profile in COPA. At the designated year end, the system files are backed up and the records that need to be stored are kept while others are removed from the system. Any Reports will need to be filtered for last year in order to see information and current year info will be generated from this new year. You must now set the Classroom Start and End Dates for the New Year by either using the Universal Classroom Start and End Dates link on the Admin tab or by Editing the Class Profile to show the program model type, new school year dates and full day or half day settings. All children who were previously shown as enrolled and set up as returning, will be shown on the ‘Eligible/Accepted’ list for ‘Classroom Assignment’. These children can be Block Enrolled back into the classrooms after the classroom start and end dates have been set up for the year. Children who were shown as Pre-Enrolled can now be filtered by Class Assignment and Block Enrolled back into the classrooms as of or the expected start date (open enrollment date) for your sites.
How to Update the Class Start and End Dates
Select the Admin Tab. Proceed to the bottom of the screen which displays the agencies. Under the School Year End heading are the Rollover Option links. Begin Here
Universal Class Start / End Dates should be set for each Class The filters shown can be used to set the dates for classrooms for more than one site at a time. Select your Agency and Site by using the drop down lists shown where ‘All’ is shown. When all of your Classrooms are shown for your Site, enter your Classroom start and end dates in the appropriate windows. Your dates should fall within the present COPA School Year Start and End Dates shown in the Column Headings on this screen.
Enroll the Children
Return to the COPA production site and select the ‘Enrollment’ tab. Select the ‘Eligible/Accepted’ list to view your ‘Returning’ children. You may now enroll your children from the pre-enrolled list or the Class Assignment list as you normally do. Use the Program Model or other available filtering as needed and be sure to show the appropriate enrollment date for the children. As ‘Admin’ user for your site, you have been provided access to any children and families from your site that may now appear as Archived in the system. You can use the link shown under the ‘School Year End’ section to ‘Search for Archive Children’ or ‘Search for Archived Families’. Be sure to enter the appropriate return date for the children and families as you return them from the archives; you will not be allowed to edit the date once the child or family has been returned.
ADMIN – Start Services for Families You may use this section to start the services for families, after you have filtered for the site that you want to process. Left click to place a check in the box next to the families that you would like to start services for and be sure to enter a date within this COPA school year before selecting the ‘Start Services’ option. It is NOT recommended that you use this screen to send families to ‘Archive families with no Active Children’ without first reviewing the Family Data Sheet and being familiar with what the current enrolling status of all children for the families might be - some children may be Wait Listed!
Welcome to the New COPA School Year ! ! ! As Always, you may receive assistance at our CYS Help Desk Hotline and Thanks for your Continued Partnership! 1 / 866 –
Need More Info on Rollover ! ! ! M ore information on rollover issues can be found in the Frequently Asked Questions link shown in the Training & Resources link in COPA.