W.O.W. WEEK 11
EXTRA beyond, outside
Extracurricular (adj) ◦ An activity pursued in addition to the normal course of study. ◦ Extracurricular activities include sports, drama, music, and chess.
Extraneous (adj) ◦ Irrelevant or unrelated to the subject being dealt with. ◦ The color of a car involved in an accident is an extraneous detail.
Extraordinary (adj) ◦ Very unusual or remarkable. ◦ A mother’s love for her children is extraordinary.
Extrapolate (v) ◦ Extend the process or result of something to an unknown situation on the assumption that the process or result will be similar ◦ A teaching lesson can be extrapolated from class to class because the student body is the same.
Extravagant (adj) ◦ Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources, exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate. ◦ It was rather extravagant to buy both fur coats simply because you couldn’t decide between the two.