The AztecsThe Incas & Sarah LetsonPeriod 9
Aztecs- Location, Capital, and Leader The Aztecs lived in Mexico, a valley to be specific. Their capitol was called Tenochtitlan. Their great and powerful leader was MOCTEZUMA!!!! OHHHHHH AHHHHHH!!!
Aztecs- Daily Life The Wealthy- They had sun- dried brick homes. They were white washed so they always looked clean. Each room had it’s own purpose, no room’s shared a purpose. They wore elaborate clothing made with feathers. They also had fans made with feathers. The Poor- Their homes where huts with thatched roofs. They had mats and trunks, usually, and maybe some furniture. They wore every thing but feathers and couldn’t and couldn’t carry fans. If they did they were killed. Marriage- 20 year old men would marry year old girls. Sacrifice- They believed sacrifice was necessary. They sacrificed they’re people to feed their hungry gods. The people they sacrificed were not usually Aztecs. They usually were people from neighboring tribes. This did not make them very popular.
Aztec’s Death The Aztecs were conquered by the Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes. As Moctezuma was fighting the Spanish, a soldier picked up a rock, threw it and hit him on the head. After that he died.
Incas- Leader, Capital, and Location Their capital is Cuzco.Their location is the Andes Mountains. Their leader know as the Sapa Inca, was Atahualpa. OHHHHHH! AHHHHHH!
Incas- Daily Life Homes- Each Inca was put in a family group that had people. Each home was made of sun-baked brick with thatched roofs. Education- Most people thought Incas were very smart. Almost every Inca was educated except children. Taxes- Incas had to pay taxes through food and silver or gold, maybe. This paying rule was easy because most Incas were farmers.
Inca’s Death Conqueror- A Spanish soldier, or leader, conquerored the Incas. His name was Francisco Pizzaro. The Spanish did not keep their word on a promise and killed the Inca leader.
Thanks for watching my Aztec and Inca project HAVE A GREAT, TERRIFIC REST OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!