Department of Education The National Strategy for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Presented to Portfolio Committee on Education 26 October 2004
Department of Education Maths and Science Enrollments and performance in Matric in candidates wrote matric candidates passed (48.9%) candidates wrote mathematics wrote physical science out of passed mathematics on HG out of passed physical science on HG.
Department of Education Matric Pass by Race: 1999
Department of Education Distribution of 102 Schools KwaZulu Natal23 Schools Limpopo23 Schools Eastern Cape15 Schools Gauteng11 Schools Mpumalanga7 Schools North West7 Schools Free State6 Schools Western Cape6 Schools Northern Cape4 Schools
Department of Education Objectives of Strategy The NMSTE strategy seeks to: Raise participation and performance by historically disadvantaged learners in senior certificate Mathematics and Science Provide high quality mathematics, science and technology education for all learners taking GETC and FETC; and Increase and enhance the human resource capacity to deliver Mathematics, Science and Technology Education.
Department of Education Project Activities: Profiles for the 102 schools (2002); Teacher Development; Learner Teacher Support materials; Enrichment Programmes for SMT Incentives Schemes for Learners
Department of Education National Performance Improvement Level by Race. Learner Performance by Racial Group: GroupSubject WhiteMaths Science African ColouredMaths Science IndianMaths Science
Department of Education Project Gains
Department of Education Performance Levels for Africans Grade 12 African Performance in 2003 SubjectNationalAfricanDinaledi Maths HG (5.5%) Science HG (14.5%)
Department of Education Quality Measurement African Performance-Distinctions: 2003 SubjectNationalAfricanDinaledi Maths HG (10.4%) Science HG (18.2%)
Department of Education Lessons Learned Centrally driven interventions have good returns; Setting targets for schools and learners improves performance; Monitoring and support interventions; The carrot and stick approach yields desired results; The state cannot win this battle alone.
Department of Education A Stronger, Wider and Deeper Strategy 102 project approach not a national response; The intervention should also focus on both feeder primary schools and neighbouring high schools (cluster approach); Use of ICT to multiply good teaching; Improve support provided to schools and match this with expectations.
Department of Education Challenges Competing priorities and limited resources. The capacity of provinces and districts to give support to schools. The attraction of talented Maths and Science recruits into the teaching profession. The provision of ICT infrastructure, software and connectivity to every school. The coordination of private interests and support to education.
Department of Education Priorities for 2005 – 2009 Increase participation and performance in Mathematics and Physical Science; Ensure that there is a qualified and competent teacher in every classroom; Increase the pool of schools of excellence in MST; Strengthen inter-governmental collaboration with DST Improve the language of teaching and learning Raise required resources Ensure broader equity and access of intervention to the whole system and improve the provision of quality LTSMs.
Department of Education Conclusion There is a need to: Raise the profile of MST; Mobilize more state and other resources; Roll out ICTs; and Involve all levels including Higher Education.