Plant Growth and Development1 The Parts of a Flower
Plant Growth and Development2 Parts of a Flower Stamen Petals Pistil Stem Sepals Receptacle
Plant Growth and Development3 Flower petals are very colorful. They attract birds and insects.
Plant Growth and Development4 Parts of the Pistil The stigma is sticky. It catches the pollen. The style is the passage for the pollen tube. The ovary is where seeds develop.
Plant Growth and Development5 Parts of the Stamen The anther produces pollen. The filament is support for the anther.
Plant Growth and Development6 Sepals protect the flower before it opens.
Plant Growth and Development7 The receptacle is the base of the flower.
Plant Growth and Development8 The stem supports the flower and transports water and food.
Plant Growth and Development9 Can you name the parts of a flower?