Metropolitan Council Environmental Services A Clean Water Agency Presented to the Environment Committee October 13, Workforce Plan Karen Neis, Director, MCES Administration
State Demographics Minnesota considerably less diverse than national average — 14% versus 34% Minnesota total minority population has grown faster than in U.S. — 28% versus 19% 2007 minority population in 7-county metro area was 20.18%
MN Labor Market Data
Unemployment Rates June 2009 — Minnesota8.4% — U.S.9.5% November 2008 — Minnesota6.4% — U.S.6.7% November 2007 — Minnesota4.5% — U.S.4.7%
MCES Workforce Demographics
Projected MCES Retirements
Projected MCES Retirements:
MCES % Eligible to Retire by Union
Goals 1. The right number of employees Maintain workforce size at an efficient level that will meet business needs 2. In the right places Position workforce to best meet organizational needs 3. Prepared with the right skills Train and support workforce to deliver expected results
Goal #1: The Right Number of Employees Determine staffing levels and skills needed for future scope of services — Utilize workforce analysis to assist in designing staffing plans Create and implement succession plans — Identify critical positions and update plans to ensure continuity — Identify critical competencies and knowledge areas required for future ES leaders
Goal #1: The Right Number of Employees, continued Provide sufficient recruitment and retention strategies to maintain workforce levels as employees retire — Utilize strategies that promote a positive image for MCES — Target recruitment efforts for difficult to fill positions — Develop retention and recruitment strategies to build and maintain a diverse workforce
Goal #2: In the Right Places Refine key processes and restructure work units to achieve coordinated and adaptive functions — Optimize performance in asset, fleet and land management areas — Evaluate opportunities for improved efficiency in 24/7 operations — Utilize service agreements for shared services
Goal #3: Prepared with the Right Skills Identify and provide essential training and strategies to support workforce needs — Develop standard operating procedures, content management systems and decision support systems — Continue development of training and recognition programs