By: Aj Ursin
This ez|gaming will be for everybody that wants to become more involved in the video game/technology world. In ez|gaming we verse people from everywhere in gaming tournaments to earn money. Winnings go to the player. And in club tournaments prizes such as gift cards to GameStop, Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy are awarded. At the end of each year for ez|gaming there is a month long gaming competition to see who is the best. The prize for winning this grand event is a new gaming system and $100 dollar gift card.
We have a gaming day where kids of all ages can come and play video games and see how far gaming has come since the 60's with the start of Pong. ez|gaming travels to different schools educating them about the game ratings and how they are important to be enforced. We fight to make the game ratings fair and to make sure stores are enforcing the underage gaming law.
You should join this club because, it is the best gaming club in Texas. It helps to further peoples knowledge of games and how they are progressing. In ez|gaming you meet people all around the world and create long term friendships. The gaming activities help with hand eye coordination.
Meetings happen at several locations such as: 1. Presidents house 2. Internet Café’s 3. CJ’s Crib Times: Every other Saturday at noon.