Rock Star!!!
Most rock singers never get very big and never generate a lot of money they can’t find places to live and they’re usually hungry but, some get lucky. More famous singers such as Ozzy Osbourne, DIO, Alice Cooper or David Bowie are better known and make a lot of money.
Rock Star!!! Almost no education is needed you basically need to know how to read and write and its helpful to have a good memory this doesn’t mean that rock singers are stupid in fact some of the more famous ones graduated from good colleges and are very learned but its also not uncommon for them to be high school drop outs.
Rock Star!!! You can live just about anywhere you want if you are successful, if your unknown you need to live around a lot of people in a city and it may be helpful for you to live near clubs and bars for you to perform at.
Rock Star!!! If your successful it could mean going on tour for long periods of time if your unknown you’d probably only play a club once or twice a week.
Rock Star!!! Overall most rock stars never get big no one ever knows about them and they have to fall back on another occupation and let their dream die very few ever get any recognition those few who do manage it get rich and famous but don’t rely on it.