& Excelsior College: Creating a path towards an affordable, accredited higher education together
Appearing Today Mark Michalisin, Excelsior College Devon Ritter, The Saylor Foundation
Validating “Non-Collegiate” Learning: The Bottom Line What does it take to make learning credit-worthy? Alternative pathways to credit? What learning resources should we recommend?
What is Academic Credit, Anyway? Assurance that someone knows something appropriate for a particular academic program The someone, the something, and the appropriateness must be verified Both traditional college courses and Credit by Exam (CBE) do this quite well Colleges still must decide what outside credit to accept; CBE are often more transparent about which Learning Objectives are being assessed Where does the learning come in?
“What you know is more important than where or how you learned it” Excelsior College UExcel CBE’s measure what you know, independent of any particular learning experience Convenient and cost-effective; ACE recommends credit based on evaluation criteria; Cover a range of introductory and upper-level topics; Additional niche in Nursing degree exams Independent study resources, including OER and free online courses, can prepare for CBE options
Colleges Can Use CBE to: Relieve overcrowding, closed sections, stalled progress, and stop-outs; Help students progress to majors and capstone experiences faster and cheaper; Assist students who have failed a required course; Build entire degree completion plans for motivated independent learners
The Model is more about providing Free Online Courses than Massively Open Online Courses Key Differences: courses are available all the time; Don’t purport to provide access to instructors, and therefore don’t have to be offered as sessions, in specific windows of time; Saylor courses as a whole are Openly Licensed (CC-BY), and strive to use individual pieces of openly licensed content; The result is that is “open” in the OER sense of the word, meaning anyone else is free to Reuse, Redistribute, Revise, and Remix; Not the case with all (or any?) major MOOC providers
The Model Cont. Benefits in Regards to CBE: Completely cost free; Student savings not just on text, but on credit as well; Self-paced courses; In line with the needs of my CBE takers; Adaptable; CC license allows for re-mixing and editing of courses to match multiple CBE options
For under $100 and 2 hours of your time, you get an independent evaluation of what you’ve learned, and earn college credit. OER and CBE Are Symbiotic With Saylor: Learners are motivated; Flexibility and interactivity rule: access is open, free, and timeless; Multiple self-testing opportunities exist; Certificates give personal satisfaction With UExcel: Learner identity is validated; Test security meets national standards; Assessment of content mastery is comprehensive
Case Study: Introduction to Psychology Background: has offered an independent version of Intro to Psych; Excelsior College offers an Intro to Psych UExcel Exam; Saylor and Excelsior formed partnership in 2012 to align Saylor OER to Excelsior CBEs Key to Success: Easy matching of existing course and exam Learning Outcomes; Availability of OER to fill any course gaps Result: Creation of’s PSYCH101-EXC: Introduction to Psychology course, fully aligned to Excelsior College PSYX- 101 UExcel ExamPSYCH101-EXC: Introduction to PsychologyPSYX- 101 UExcel Exam
Additional Course/Exam Alignments Other Current Alignments: MA101-EXC: Single Variable Calculus I; ECON102-EXC: Principles of Macroeconomics Potential Alignments to Current UExcel: 6 near term possibilities; Additional long term possibilities Potential for New UExcel Exams: Developed based on existing courses/learning outcomes; Full credit by exam degree option?
Student Demographics Current Course/Exam match offerings – 3: Students currently enrolled in Courses – 2,523 ( ) Students registered for Exams – 45 5 students registered for multiple exams Exams taken – 30 Success rate – 90% Estimated Cost Savings - 30 exams at $95 = $2,850 – 30 courses at $1,500/course = 45,000 Savings of $42,150
Using the OER/CBE Model Working with Existing Model: $12 for an Excelsior Transcript; Student’s don’t have to be enrolled at Excelsior to take UExcel exams; 1,000’s of schools have already accepted transfer courses are similarly aligned to Thomas Edison State College TECEP CBEs, and CLEP®; Students are more likely to graduate if they enter school with credit already earned; Similarly, this provides a legitimate degree completion option for those with previous college experience Replicating the Model: Schools have the expertise to develop their own nationally recognized CBE programs, or offer students challenge exams to assess free OER learning
Conclusions Huge cost savings already due to OER, and the potential for more Consider the millions saved using OER as textbook replacements, and multiply that number by the full cost of course tuition The power of OER and CBE means a $10,000 degree is already feasible