Walk in task: Draw what you see Lesson 1 KNOW: Samba timbre SHOW: Understanding of duration including rests PRODUCE: A samba performance which included the introduction and section A.
SURDO The Surdo is the biggest drum and provides the bass line marking the beat of the Samba music, often referred to as the heartbeat of the Samba band. Lesson 1
REPINIQUE The repinique is played with drum sticks or hands and is held by your waist AGOGO BELL The melodic instriment of the samba band. Two metal bells that usually play a syncopated rhythm. GANZA The Ganza is essentially the shaker. It provides a nice warm top end to the Samba band. Lesson 1
APITO A whistle! Used by the group leader to start and stop sections. CAIXA Essentially this is a snare drum and is also played with normal drum sticks. Usually plays fast grooves to drive the band. TAMBORIM This small headed drum is tuned really high and is struck with a whip. The tamborim plays the more complicated parts. Lesson 1
NoteRestNameNumber of crotchet beats Minim 2 Crotchet 1 Quaver ½ Semiquaver ¼ Guide Game Lesson 1 TASK: We’ll go round the room and I’ll shout the note length to play a C note to the click.
NoteRestNameNumber of crotchet beats Minim 2 Crotchet 1 Quaver ½ Semiquaver ¼ Guide Game Lesson 1
Introduction TASK: Split the class on the instruments (maybe groups rotate?) Remind the class of the importance of listening and not just lumping the instruments because it’s funny. Lesson 1
SECTION A Lesson 1
SAMBA - TIMBRE Ago go bell Tamborim Ganza Repinque Caixa Surdo