CD10: Young Children with Special Needs Ch 8: Fine Motor, Oral Motor, and Self-Care Development
Chapter Overview ZFine motor development ZFactors affecting development ZStrategies for intervention ZOral motor development ZFactors affecting development ZStrategies for intervention ZSelf-care development ZFactors affecting development ZStrategies for intervention
Chapter Vocabulary ZPincer grasp ZRelease ZManipulation ZErgonomics ZDevelopmental approaches ZRemedial approaches ZCompensatory approaches ZEducation approaches
Video: Room at the Table PositioningAdaptive devices Postural helpProvider strategies
Fine Motor Development ZFactors affecting development ZCharts, pages 279 and 280 ZStrategies for intervention ZPositioning ZAdaptive devices ZPostural help ZProvider strategies, pg 293
Oral Motor Development ZFactors affecting development Zpg 301: Medical, structural, motor, sensory, behavioral, environmental, neurological problems ZStrategies for intervention ZChart pg 301: Oral motor empathy exercises ZChart pg 308: Correct positioning, improving muscular coordination for sucking, swallowing, spoon-feeding, cup drinking
Self Care Skills Sets (pg 319) ZSelf feeding ZDressing ZBathing ZToileting ZGrooming ZSleep
Self-Care Development ZFactors affecting development ZChart pg 319 ZAssessment Tools ZHELP: Hawaii Early Learning ProfileHELP ZBDI: Battelle Developmental profileBDI ZPEDI: Pediatric Evaluation of Disability InventoryPEDI ZStrategies for intervention – page ZDevelopmental approaches (group 1) ZRemedial approaches (group 2) ZCompensatory approaches (group 3) ZEducation approaches (group 4)
Development Needs ZCerebral Palsy ZOral motorOral motor ZDown Syndrome ZSelf-helpSelf-help ZAutism ZFine motorFine motor ZCleft Lip or Palate Zoral motororal motor ZVision Problems ZFine motorFine motor ZLearning Disability ZFine motor, self-help, oral motorFine motor, self-help, oral motor