Christ Church Blogging
Why did we Blog? 2Create a Superstory Share work with peers / family Constructive teacher / peer feedback Outright Sharing thoughts about children’s rights to the wider community Digital citizenship week To assess learning from the week To spread the ‘esafety’ message to parents / family
2Create a Superstory
Digital Citizenship week
What went well? Easy to set up simple blogs (little more tricky teaching the children to imbed their 2create a story files) Easy to moderate Large participation of children – many wrote much more / posted more blogs, than was requested Feedback from parents Children were very positive and constructive with their comments Fantastic response to Digital Citizenship Week blog Good opportunity to talk about and put into practise ‘netequette’
Issues / limitations Not being able to run flash files Lack of access to computers / internet / ‘my computers not working’ ‘My username / password is not working’ The limited audience (Outright project) Only tried with KS2