_______________ Goal 9 Part 5 Fighting the Great Depression Great Depression – ___________ FDR Presidency: _______________
1932 Presidential Election Herbert Hoover (Rep) VS. *Why would Hoover NOT get elected?? ________________________(______) - Main Goal: FIX the problems of the Great Depression! FDR’s formulation to fight the Great Depression = THE NEW DEAL 3 R’s = __________________________________________________ *Strengthen the role of the _________________!!!! Lassies-Fairre = no longer working! Before WWI: L.F (government and business are NOT together) During WWI: NO L.F (Government and Business are TOGETHER!!!!) After WWI: L.F. Great Depression: NO L.F. (We NEED government and businesses to work together)
___________________ Period in which FDR’s administration launched legislation to fix ______________________-! **Federal Government (During the New Deal) –took a more active role in shaping the economy! (L.F.) Very important: _______________: radio talks to America in plain and direct language / Americans thought he was speaking “directly” to them ***************************************** FDR / Fed. Government MUST reestablish the “credibility” or “confidence” back into their relationship with the American Public
FDR’S Goals 1 st Goal / Step: FIX the ___________________________system How???? _______________________________ (1933) “Bank Holiday” Close down insolvent / “broken” banks and reopen them after “____________________________________” / cooling off period = 4 days To fix banking and finance systems: Congress passed the *********************___________________________________********************** Purpose: to fix the banking system Established the ____________________(FDIC) – “insurance” for your money in the bank (up to a $250,000) T. Q.: What does this create between the federal government and the American people?
Reestablishing credibility between American people and the Stock market Fixing the Stock Market (1) __________________(1933) – corporations had to provide “Complete” and “Accurate” information on ALL stock options and made them liable for false information (business is failing = can’t trick someone into buying stock) (2) _________________________(1933) – Created to monitor the stock market *TO PROTECT _______________!!!!
Helping American People _____________________ (AAA) - raise crop prices by _________ _____________________________ - federal government would pay farmers to leave some of their land “____________________” - reduce crop surplus = boost prices of crops Result: ____________________________! _____________________________________(TVA) - focused on the badly depressed Tenn. Valley – renovated dams, provided ________________and flood control! (still used today) 11 Billion revenue in
Helping American People Providing WORK (NEW JOBS) _______________________ (CCC) year old men to work building roads, developing parks, landscaping 3 million jobs Discrimination: women? National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) – provided money to states to create jobs! (Construction of schools and community buildings) Ex. “_____________________” project
New Deal UNDER ATTACK New Deal: caused America to agree to a policy known as “_______________” – (__________________________) spending more money than the government receives in revenue Deficit Spending – Roosevelt = “___________________” Conservatives: _____________________ Liberals: _____________________________ ****BIGGEST CRITIC OF NEW DEAL (THE KINGFISH) – Governor of Louisiana / later Senator ________________________ (Socialist) (Share-Our-Wealth program = Socialism)
Supreme Court Reaction to New Deal Problem: ________________________/ vetoing all New Deal programs!!! FDR’s Reaction = “_________________________________reorganiz e the Supreme Court and appoint 6 new (____________) justices that support the New Deal Natural Reaction = PROTEST!!!! / went against _________________________________ End Result: Justices resigned…FDR got what he wanted!
Court Packing
2 nd New Deal Reasons: Take the New Deal further Main focus of 2 nd New Deal: (1)Youth and (2) Labor ** Works Progress Administration (WPA) - provided jobs all across America
Improving Labor _________________________________ _ ____________________ - protected the rights of workers! (1) gave ______________ protection to labor unions (2) engaging in “__________________” is legal (3) prohibited unfair business practices (ex. NO MORE threat of “_______” union members) Labor and management – imbalanced BEFORE the Wagner Act
________________(still used today) ___________________________________ (FIRST FEMALE CABINET MEMBER) 3 Major parts: (1) ___________________(Retirement / 65 years) (2) __________________________ (3) _____________ with dependent children
African American Activism (During the New Deal) __________________ Brotherhood of the Sleeping Car Porters (worked for the Pullman Company) Pullman was FORCED to respect collective bargaining by Randolph because of the _________________________ - first all African American labor union (fought for it) Freedom is not granted; you must fight for it - A. Philip Randolph * Labor Union that “Accepted Everyone?”
Mary Bethune Appointed by FDR to organize The “______________________” Purpose: to advise FDR on racial issues in America Vice President of NAACP
FDR’s view on Civil Rights / New Deal Coalition NEVER committed to full civil rights for African Americans! Reason: didn’t want to upset __________________ ___________________– an alignment of groups that dedicated their life to support the Democratic Party AND the New Deal Results of New Deal: A. Democrats dominate politics in _________________ B. Pro-Labor unions flourish C. Reelection of FDR in _________ D. Major influence on American culture (SUPPORT VS. CRITICISM)
New Deal Impact New Deal Programs that are STILL used today!!!!!! (1) Glass –Steagall Act / FDIC (?) (2) Tennessee Valley Authority (?) (3) Social Securities Act (?) (4) Federal Securities Act (?) (5) Securities Exchange Commission (?) (6) Wagner Act (?)
New Deal “Program Posters” Poster Directions: You must create a promotion-style poster (propaganda) for New Deal programs under FDR. You have to do 4 of these (1 from each of the following sections on p. 706: (1) Employment Projects (2) Business Assistance and Reform (3) Farm Relief and Rural Development (4) Banking (5) Labor Relations (6) Retirement Each paper must include the following: (1) Title (2) Picture that represents the idea / function of the program (computer can be used to print) (3) Statement under the picture that shows the purpose of the program and how it affects the average American business or the average family