Capitalization and Comma Practice
each december we celebrate christmas at my grandparents house in chicago. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
karen has soccer practice on mondays and wednesdays. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
nancy visited boston, massachusetts on labor day last summer. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
every friday in march, the students at sunrise elementary school will give oral reports on germany or england. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
the lowest temperature ever recorded in the united states was at prospect creek, alaska. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
the largest desert in america is the mojave desert in california. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
the book mary ann finds the way is about a girl adopted by mr. and mrs. harold clayton. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
when i was a child, i wanted to visit jupiter and mars. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
brian waved the american flag during the parade on the fourth of july. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
sister marcia read the sinking of the titanic to us. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
on father’s day, i gave my dad a tie, and we went to brusters for ice cream. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
on mother’s day, we took mom to her favorite italian restaurant for dinner, and we went to the fox theater to see a play. Which words should begin with a capital letter?
Comma Practice
Where do the commas belong? Farmers in New Hampshire raise dairy herds make maple syrup and sell eggs.
Where do the commas belong? Oh look at that beautiful bird!
Where do the commas belong? Dogs cats birds and fish are common pets.
Where do the commas belong? Alice please finish your homework.
Where do the commas belong? What do you want for your birthday Caitlin?
Where do the commas belong? Please open the door and welcome the visitors.
Where do the commas belong? We read write and learn at school.
Where do the commas belong? The paper scissors and pencils belong in the top drawer.
Where do the commas belong? We won a trip to cancun mexico!
Where do the commas belong? We went to Rome Italy on our vacation last year.
Where do the commas belong? Well I’m not sure about that.
Fix the capitalization and punctuation errors on the date written below. thursday january
Fix the punctuation and capitalization mistakes on this envelope.
Fix the capitalization and punctuation errors on the date written below. tuesday may