Pros of Natural Gas Drilling in Pennsylvania
Hydraulic Fracturing EPa declares Hydraulic Fracturing safe in 2004 study excluded from safe water act burden of proof lies with anti-drillers more efficient
Economic and local Benefits Generates direct and indirect jobs Road Bonds and maintenance higher income= better infrastructure
Energy Policy will allow increased energy independence- increased domestic production one of the largest plays ever found up-and-coming energy resource efficiency improvement
Pro-Drilling Advocates Industrial Minerals Association- North America Energy Tomorrow (American Petroleum Institute) Marcellus Coalition
Statistics Over one million hydrofracking wells drilled over the last 60 years without groundwater contamination (1) state and local governments will receive almost $2 billion in taxes from the natural gas industry in PA from (2) more than new jobs expected to open up in 2010 from drilling (2)
Bibliography 1. "Hydraulic Fracturing Exclusion from the Safe Drinking Water Act." Industrial Minerals of North America. Web. 29 Nov "Production Processes « Marcellus Shale Coalition." Marcellus Shale Coalition. Web. 29 Nov