WORLD MEETING OF CUSTOMS LAW 'Studies of Harmonization of Customs Law and Contributions of the Academy for updating and improving the WCO Instruments' Keynote Speech MODERN CUSTOMS IN THE WORLD OF VIRTUAL REALITY Mirosław F. Zieliński Director, Customs Policy, Legislation & Tariff 6 September WCO
Scene Setter Virtual reality: the fact of life today - information society The gigantic volumes of world trade information can only be handled by modern customs - about 99% of customs declarations in the EU are filed in accordance with the virtual environment – electronically Changing patterns of trade 2
Volumes of trade in the EU Customs Union: growing trend of the number of declarations (particularly for export) – 8 declarations per second (15 articles) total number of declarations in the EU in 2012: 261 million (import: 139 million, export: 105 million, transit: 17 million (including national transit)) normal procedures: 61 million; simplified procedures: 183 million customs value = EUR 3.5 trillion in 2012 (+8% compared to 2011) growing trend of the customs value of the EU external trade in both import and export 3
Modern EU customs mean: modernisation of legal basis serving clients electronically using simplified procedures Valeur en douane 4
Looking into the future in the EU – Future Customs Initiative started several years ago and at the end of 2012 published Communication on the State of the Customs Union which: took stock of the Customs Union, in particular its successful history providing services, from revenue collection to also protection and facilitation acknowledged challenges the Customs Union is facing 5
set out the way forward to provide for an even more performing Customs Union in 2020, and in addition to a priority setting, asked for a reform of the governance and the roles and responsibilities of Member States and the Commission 6
Course of action set by the Communication : complete modernization of customs via adopting the Union Customs Code complete gap analysis and set priorities for future - action plan (risk management, BTIs, crisis management, application of non-customs legislation, sanctions and penalties, training) enhance functioning through a governance reform of the Customs Union functioning 7
Modernisation of the customs legislation through adoption of the Union Customs Code: legal basis for a paperless environment for customs and trade a customs legislation streamlined, harmonised and simplified (more horizontal provisions to govern, in particular, parts concerning customs decisions, guarantees, customs delcarations, etc.) 8
a valorised AEO status (Authorised Economic Operator) for the most reliable economic operators (simplifications reserved to AEOs and easier access to other simplifications) a legal instrument to protect the financial interests of the EU and its Member States to support risk management and the security of the supply chain the UCC will be supplemented by further detailed acts. 9
The objectives of the governance reform would be to achieve: the definition of operational objectives/quality of service for the EU and the joint system of monitoring thereof the improvement of operational coordination and joint action, where it is needed a mechanism for identifying needs, priorities and transferring/supporting capacity where it is needed. 10
Results of the governance reform more rapid decision-making IT development without duplication trade-friendly Customs contributing to economic and social development 11
Thank you for your attention 12