NS5 Session #2 Work Orders Turning Standard Jobs into WOs and completing them Oct 2015
Each week, the Chief Engineer will need to open the maintenance plan to see what is due. Log in to NS5 and open the Maintenance Module
Open the Maintenance Plan Click on the Maintenance Plan icon on the top left of your screen
NS5 lists the standard jobs in the maintenance plan when they are due.
Before you can work on a Standard Job (SJ), you have to turn it into a work order (WO) SJs are labeled in the Type column and have no Doc. No.’s
Check the box in the far left of the table for each SJ you want to change to a WO
Then go to Process/ Create WO
The SJs will turn into Wos with Doc. No.s It will not affect any other jobs.
You can now open each WO by double clicking on it.
Many jobs are self explanatory. Read the directions in the Description field- if any.
Many engineers are more comfortable using checklists, and many standard jobs attach one to the work order. Quarterly Maintenance Inspection is one. Follow the directions in the Description box.
You can tell there is a checklist because when you open the work order, the “File Attachments” tab letters are in blue. And because the instructions say to print out the checklist
You may be asked to complete the checklist by hand and then attach the completed checklist to the work order. To attach a file to an NS5 record, click the paper clip icon and follow the instructions.
Under Findings make any notes that would help the next engineer.
Findings should always contain a note about what was done, even if nothing unusual happened.
If no notes in Findings, looks like nothing was done. Maybe closed by accident??? ?????
Follow the directions and then add your NOTES and your NAME in the Findings tab.
When work is done and notes in Findings, complete the WO.
The Port Engineer or NS5 Mgr. will review the completed WOs to ensure checklists are attached and each WO has notes and details in Findings.
NS5 Cheat Sheet #4 provides step-by-step instructions you can print out and take with you on how to create work orders from standard jobs. It is located on the Ship Web Pages & the TDI Forms page.
Improvements underway Inconsistent methods of tracking standard jobs on the vessel has led to some vessels having a very high number of SJs.
Improvements underway The Port Engineer and office are reviewing all standard jobs in an effort to consolidate multiple tasks and reduce the overall number of SJs.
Improvements underway Our goal is to minimize the time it takes to manage preventative maintenance in NS5 so that more effort can be focused on tracking unplanned maintenance.