The skull The skull is composed of two parts: 1. Cranium 2. Facial skeleton
Frontal Coronal suture Sagittal suture Parietal Lambdoid suture Anterior Coronal suture Frontal Sagittal suture Parietal Lambdoid suture Occipital Parietal foramen Posterior
Norma verticalis (superior view) Bone forming: - Frontal bone - Parietal bone - Squamous part of occipital bone
Norma verticalis (cont.) Sutures seen: - Coronal suture, - Sagittal suture, - Lambdoid suture,
Bregma Ant.fontanell Lambda Post.fontanell
Norma occipitalis (posterior view) There are the following bones: - Squamous part of occipital bone. - Parietal bones, separated from the occipital by the lambdoid suture. - Mastoid part of temporal bone, on each side of the squamous part of occipital, separated by the occipitomastoid suture.
Parietal Occipital Sup.&inf.nuchal lines Ext.occipital protuberence Ext.occipital crest Mastoid
Norma occipitalis
Supra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital foramen Frontal Nasal Maxilla Zygomatic bone Supra-orbital foramen Infra-orbital foramen Ant.nasal spine
Norma frontalis (cont.)
Orbit It is a pyramidal shaped space with its apex directed backwards. Its base is directed forwards at the orbital openings. Its long axis is directed forwards and laterally. It has a roof, a floor, a medial wall and a lateral wall. - Lacrimal fossa: It is a depression in the anterior and lateral part of the roof. - Optic canal: It is a foramen in posterior part of the roof.