Template for DUSEL Meeting with Potential Experiments
Overview Primary goals are twofold Interface to facility design, layouts, assembly, technical and engineering parameters and needs of experiments. – Information provided to date. – Joint planning and DUSEL needs up to September Help DUSEL team understand preliminary costs and schedule – Needed by end June(Physics) and end July(BGE) Do we want presentations? Yes, but short(from both expts. and DUSEL side) + documents in DocuShare for reference. Focus on critical issues. Try to make sure DUSEL team understands expt. needs as best possible.
Experiment/Collaboration Experiment Collaboration – who, institutions, names if possible Who are the contact points with DUSEL? – Stay the same this year or change? Eng. and sci. – Contact plans through PDR(end 2010). This includes input from DUSEL sci. liaisons, how often, when, are there collaboration meetings at which DUSEL presence is desired. Are there important milestones for expt. in 2010?
Depth/Location Where do you want to go in DUSEL? If 7400, go through, briefly, depth document and justification Beyond the lab modules, what other underground space/facilities needed, if known?
Layout(s) Walk us through the layout(s) piece by piece Can you fit within the guidance provided by DUSEL? If you think not, walk us through the alternative layout and justification for same. Can you quantify the increased physics reach? What are the plans for layout evolution between now and September 2010? Combined plan discussion.
Power Walk through your estimate for total power needs for experiment, including items provided by experiment (UPS, for example)
Water Walk us through your needs for water of whatever type
Ventilation Needs for ventilation, including how to implement reduced radon if needed. Touch on needs for cryogens, although will be discussed also in hazards
Cryogen Needs If applicable What are the needs, including operating
IT Needs Computing-related needs underground Bandwidth to surface Surface needs(storage, CPU, space) Support model discussion
Weights, Lifting Tell us what you know about weights of expt. parts What is floor loading required Can you estimate how many trips down shaft(s) are required to get all parts underground? Special handling needed to go from shaft to lab modules? Identify big parts that might require special handling Crane requirements(weight and coverage)
Major Hazards What are the major experimental hazards? – Concentrate on the big items Joint discussion of mitigation and control Are there facility issues associated with hazard mitigation?
Staging and Installation Walk us thru as possible the underground staging and installation of the experiment.
Other Underground Needs Assay and low background counting? Underground material storage? Underground material manufacture? Joint discussion
Summary of Surface Needs Storage Assembly – Walk through any surface assembly needs IT Office Access to machine shops, electronics shops, what do you need? DUSEL will show current planning
DUSEL Interface Discussion of what DUSEL will provide, what experiments would provide. Understood this is very preliminary
Schedule Walk us through schedule at high level(1-2 pages) What are the key milestones in FY11? What are you assuming for access to DUSEL surface facilities? What are you assuming for underground beneficial occupancy dates from DUSEL?
Costs Give us an overview of where you are in costing – Do you have a WBS(not required but would like to know) – Give us a sense of how costs were estimated Walk us through the personnel costs (non- scientists). – Type of personnel – Time phasing Walk us through the materials, supplies, procurement costs What are the FY11 funding needs?
Documents/DocuShare Go through what is in DocuShare(liaisons should come prepared) What isn’t there and should be? What needs to be added by September? Responsibilities for same?
Wrap Up Action item list What do you need from DUSEL team for NSF S4 review, if applicable? What does DUSEL team need for PDR? Discussion