Patricia Polacco Taylor Blackmon
About Patricia Although she did not begin writing and illustrating children's books until she was 41 years old, Patricia Polacco grew up with storytellers. As a child, she spent much time with her grandparents who shared stories about the different lands they were from. Her relationships with her grandparents influenced her for the rest of her life. In almost every one of Patricia Polacco's books, a very young person interacts with an elderly person.
Biographical Info Polacco spent her early years living on a farm in Union City, Michigan, which is now her home. When she was 5, she and her mother and brother moved to Florida for a brief time before settling in Oakland, California. There she lived for most of her young life on into her adulthood. What she loved most about her neighborhood in Oakland was the fact that her neighbors came in many different colors and from many different religious backgrounds. Some of these neighbors became models for her story characters.
Biographical Info When she was in elementary school, Polacco was not a very good student. Because she struggled to learn how to read and do math, other children teased her and made her feel dumb. When she was fourteen, it was discovered that she had a learning disability called dyslexia. One of her teachers, Mr. Falker, found out what was wrong with her and got her the help that she needed. He also got the other students to stop teasing her. Polacco's book celebrates the special influence of Mr. Falker in her life. Thank You, Mr. Falker
Biographical Info Patricia Polacco attended Ohio State University and earned a Master's Degree in Fine Arts and a Ph.D. in Art History. After leaving school, she restored ancient pieces of art for museums. Polacco then became the mother of two children, Steven and Traci, and she devoted most of her days to their education and upbringing. When they were older, Polacco combined her love of storytelling and drawing into writing and illustrating children's books.
Literary Awards Polacco has won several awards for her works. In fact, too many to fit in this space! She has a year ranging period of recognition! Let’s go take a look at her accomplishments: /bioawards.html
Point of Interest I have enjoyed a wonderful career of writing books for children. I get my ideas from the same place that you do....MY IMAGINATION. All of us have a “voice” inside where all inspired thoughts come from. When I talk to children and aspiring writers, I always ask them to turn off the TV and listen to that voice inside them. I have many voices inside me. From my Russian background my stories are kind of ethnic, primitive, Eastern European that's one type of voice I write in. Another is my mid-western American farm voice. I also write in a Jewish voice my family was part Jewish and part Christian, which is an amazing thing.
Presentation of Major Works Chicken Sunday (March 1992) Pink and Say (Sept 1994) Thank You, Mr. Falker (may 1998) Just in Time, Abraham Lincoln The Butterfly The Junk Yard Wonders (summer 2010)
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References cia-polacco