Dynamic Improvements in Visual Function after the Tenotomy and Reattachment Procedure: Model Predictions and Patient Data L.F. Dell'Osso 1-3, Z.I. Wang 1,3, and S. Prakish 1 The Daroff-Dell’Osso Ocular Motility Laboratory 1 – Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center and CASE Medical School, Departments of Neurology 2 and Biomedical Engineering 3, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland OH; USA —“Will T&R Prevent Missing the Bird”
Human Data Bad Target Timing = Poor Target Acquisition Half Speed Lt > 2 s
Human Data Good Target Timing = Fast Target Acquisition Half Speed Lt ~= 0.8 s Also: Good Pursuit Gain!
Human Data Same Patient, Different Pursuit Gains vs. Direction Half Speed Lt > 2 s Bad Pursuit Gain = Poor Target Acquisition
Human Data Eye Switching Contributes to Longer Lt Half Speed Lt ~= 1 s INS + Strabismus = Poorer Target Acquisition
Model Simulation T&R Broadens and Improves NAFX and Lowers Target Acquisition Time Half Speed Lt ~= 1 s Bad Target Timing Still = Poorer Target Acquisition fs Steady-StateError
Fast Target Acquisition, Good Pursuit, VOR, & Eye-Hand Coordination Copper Hunting 2000Copper Water Trial 2000
Seeing Faster Improves Visual Function and is Necessary for Most Activities in a Full Life T&R means seeing MORE, BETTER, and FASTER, but... I may still miss the bird!