Inspecting the Boat
What Is the Source of School Support Teams (SSTs)? PUBLIC LAW , JAN. 8, STAT NCLB (Handout 1)
A Bird’s Eye View
What Is the Function of SSTs? –Refer to NCLB Law, Section (B) Functions, page 9 –Write some initial thoughts and questions in your “Captain’s Log”
Who can be on the SST crew? Team members may include –ESC Title I staff –ESC Working Systemically staff –Technical assistance providers (TAPs) –Campus administrator mentors (CAMs)
Refer to NCLB Public Law Brainstorm with your table mates... –Qualifications SST members should have –Possible ways to recruit members –SST responsibilities Record this information in the Captain’s Log for future reference –Keep the log handy for updates and to record additional information Who can be on the SST crew?
SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Function: –(ii) collaborate with stakeholders to design, implement, & monitor a plan to improve student performance Key element of WS: –Engages all levels of the system SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
With which levels do you currently work? State? Intermediate (ESC, TAP, CAM)? District? School? Classroom? Please make your notes on the SST/WS side-by-side. SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Function : –(i) review all facets of the school’s operation Key element of WS: –Examines components within the system SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
What component(s) would you add? Please make your notes on the SST/WS side-by-side. SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Share one component with someone at your table. You have two minutes! SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Functions: –(iii) evaluate effectiveness of school personnel –(iv) make recommendations as the school implements the plan Key element of WS: –Examines components within the system SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
WS evaluates the effectiveness of the curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Note: Districts and schools may select the focus of SST services. SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Quickly! As a group, think of other words that mean evaluate... Assess Weigh Estimate Consider Examine Calculate Approximate Measure Appraise Review Perceive Analyze SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Indicate what you currently evaluate on the SST/WS side-by-side. Share with a different person one component you evaluate at this time. You have two minutes. SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Function: –(ii) collaborate with stakeholders to design, implement, & monitor a plan expected to improve student performance Key element of WS: –Develops competencies within the system SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Reflect silently... –Which competencies do you consciously work on developing with schools and districts? –Which ones would you like to develop? –Record your thoughts on the side-by-side for future reflection. SST Using the Working Systemically Approach
Put It Together As a table group, complete the double bubble below. You have 20 minutes. WSSST ComplianceModel
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Putting It Together Trade papers with another table. WSSST ComplianceModel Record new ideas on your personal bubble sheets.
Simile Make table tent with a simile on each side. In the next 10 minutes, complete the following similes: School Support Teams are like ___ and Working Systemically is like _____
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Simile Make table tent with a simile on each side. In the next 10 minutes, complete the following similes: School Support Teams are like _____ and Working Systemically is like _____
A Bird’s Eye View