Ancient Egypt Introduction
Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie ( )
Jean-Léon Gérôme, Napoleon Bonaparte Before the Sphinx, Hearst Castle, San Simeon.
Giovanni Battista Belzoni, dressed in Arab fashion, ca ; illustration from Belzoni’s Viaggi in Egitto ed in Nubia, vol 1 (Livorno, 1827)
The Rosetta Stone in the British Museum and Champollion's comparison of his decipherment of the letters in the name Ptolemy, with that of Young (middle column) Champollion depicted in Egyptian dress and with a beard in a pastel drawing made in Florence at the return from the expedition by Giuseppe Angelelli, 1828
Howard Carter with King Tut’s sarcophagus, 1922
Palaeolithic700, BCE Saharan Neolithic Early Middle Late Predynastic Lower Egypt Neolithic Maadi Upper Egypt Badarian Naqada I (Amratian) Naqada II (Gerzean) Naqada III (Dynasty 0) 1 ST Persian Period (27 th -30 th ) d Persian Period Ptolemaic Period Macedonian Ptolemaic Roman30 BCE-642 CE