Slide 1 Project team 1. gathers requirements from the users (Ch. 4) 2. models the overall business process using __________ 3. identifies _________ using identified activities, prepares use case ________ and use case _________ for each use case. Logical Model VS Physical Model Ch.5 Use Case Diagrams
Slide 2 Activity Diagram used to model the behavior in a business process independent of objects. Cf. DFD Activity Diagram models 1. high level business _______ that involve many different use cases 2. details of an individual _________ 3. specific details of an individual ________ Fig. 5-1 Syntax of an Activity Diagram
Syntax for an Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram for Appointment System
Slide 6 Use Case Description - less formal descriptions of the use cases - captures the typical interaction of the system with the ______ - Each use case describe one and only one ______ - Each use cases is associated with one and only one ______ Types of Use Cases (1) Overview Detail (2) Essential Real
Slide 7 Elements of a Use-Case Description Three Basic Parts (1) Overview Information (2) Relationship (3) Flow of Events Fig 5-5 Use Case Description Example
Slide 9 Guidelines for Creating Use Case Description (1) Write each set in the form of Subject-Verb-Direct Object- Preposition-Indirect Object (2) Make sure it is clear who the initiator of the step is. (3) Write the step from the perspective of the independent observer. (4) Write each step at about the same level of abstraction. (5) Ensure the use case has a sensible set of steps. (6) Apply the KISS principle liberally. (7) Write repeating instructions after the set of steps to be repeated.
Slide 10 Use Case Diagram (1) Actor (2) Association (3) Use Case (4) System Boundary Fig. 5-7 Syntax for Use Case Diagram Ch.5_B Use Case Diagrams
Use Case Diagram for the Appointment System
Use Case System with Specialized Actor
Extend and Include Relationships
Slide 15 Creating Use Case Descriptions and Use Case Diagrams (1) Identify the Major Use Cases 1. Review the activity diagram 2. Find the subject’s boundaries. 3. Identify the primary actors and their goals 4. Identify and write the overview of the major use cases for the above 5. Carefully review the current use cases. Revise as needed. (2) Expand the Major Use Cases (3) Confirm the Major Use Cases (4) Create the Use Case Diagram 1. Draw the subject boundary 2. Place the use cases on the diagram 3. Place the actors on the diagram 4. Draw the associations.
Use-case Point Estimation Worksheet
Use-case Point Estimation for the Appointment System
Activity Diagram for the CD Selections To-Be Internet Sales System
Overview of Major Use Cases for the CD Selections
Place Order Use Case after Step 8
Place Order Use Case after Step 11
Revised Major Use Cases for CD Selections
Revised Major Use Cases for CD Selections (Continued)
Use Case Diagram for the CD Selections To-Be Internet Sales System
Use Case Points Estimation for the Internet Sales Systems