Today is…Friday, May 18, 2012 a Y Day
ALL STUDENTS TAKING AP EXAMS MUST report to their first period class for attendance or you will be marked absent!
Interested in the APPX Program? Please come to the Guidance Office to pick up a registration packet for next year. You don’t want to miss out on this great opportunity. Pick up a registration form today.
Heather Schwarz
If you are participating in the Senior Auction please give your forms to Mrs. Bridges on Wednesday, Thursday, May 17 th thru Tuesday May 22 nd Students can begin bidding on students on Thursday, May 17 th thru Tuesday May 22 nd, during lunch shifts.
Counseling Center
SUMMER SCHOOL Summer School information and registration forms are now available in the Counseling Center. This includes information on Classroom Drivers Education and Behind the Wheel.
Sports News
FOOTBALL PRACTICE REMINDER: Football Practice this Saturday, May 19 th, from 9-11:30 am on the practice field.
Club News
The Stafford Players announce AUDITIONS for...EURYDICE FIRST CAST MEETINGS/REHEARSALS: Tuesday, June 5 and Tuesday June 12, 2:30-5pm Scripts may be signed out from Mr. D’Addario for only one day at a time, and are due back BEFORE 1st Block. Audition Requirements: readings from the script & movement More information in the Drama Room & on the Stafford Players SchoolFusion page.
Learn & Serve Fundraiser Bowl to help end breast cancer. On Saturday, May 19 th, 4-7pm Liberty Lanes in Massaponax. $12 for UNLIMITED bowling, shoes, & lane. Raffles, Bake Sales, and More. Wear pink to show your support!
Yearbooks are Available For pre-order until May 23 rd or until we run out. Less than 50 books remain available. The cost is $70. Bring your check to E103 or the Art Room to reserve your yearbook.
Need Help With Homework? Are math and science a horror? Get help with any subject you have trouble with. Come to the National Honor Society tutoring every Wednesday in the library at 2:30 to 3:30. Please bring any supplies you will need.
The Last Ten Root of the Week Winners The Last Ten Root of the Week Winners: Mr. Candela – Fine Art Ms. Schwartz – Resource Services Mrs. Candela - Cosmetology Mr Mr. Bixler – English Mrs. Stevens - Business Mr. Shesman - Math Mr. Coleman – P.E. Ms. Holmes – Administrative Staff Ms. Devereux – Resource Services Ms. Jackson – Social Studies
Positive Referrals The Week of May 14 th -18 th
Brooke Shelton, student She is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She's so considerate. She always helps me when I need it. She always makes me smile when I'm sad. She's the best of friends ever. May 15
Clara Cook, student She is always helping me understand my homework :) May 14
Tori Light, student Tori Light has made me smile everyday when I was sad. She is so kind hearted and always helping someone out with her best effort.
Joe Eveler, Teacher Joe is a leader in choral music in Virginia. At All Virgina Choir, his genuine dedication to his students and love for teaching music was evident. Congratulations, Mr. Eveler! Wow, Joe. This is the first time we've had a pos. ref. from someone from another school system. Placed Tuesday, May 8 th
Mr. Karrick, teacher Mr. Karrick is a calm and collected teacher. He never yells and gets out of character. He takes the time to explain the things that some students don’t understand. Mr. Karrick is known for never giving up. So, I think he deserves to be recognized. May 14
Announcements may be turned in to Mrs. Stone in the Video Room S109B or her! Have a great Day Indians! Be Be Safe!