Science Fair Project Template Each of the following slides are designed to present a step in your science investigation using the Scientific Method. Write all your project information in the corresponding slides. Slide 9 between Data and Results contains an Excel connection to create a bar graph. You can use all, some, or replace the clip art. Submit in file share as a Power Point or as PDF. If you scan as a PDF you must scan all the pages into 1 file. Ask for help if needed. Delete this slide after you complete your presentation Students must write in complete sentences and use science vocabulary. Points will be taken off for poor grammar, spelling, or other language arts errors. Grading rubric on Gr. 5 Science Web page. Watch You Tube video of experiment, then put into proper format for Scientific Method. “Magic Mud Experiment” Link on Gr. 5 science web page.
Scientific Method Steps Do research on a topic Identify a testable question Form a hypothesis Design an experiment: Identify variables, gather materials, and write procedures Conduct the experiment Collect and record data Analyze data/results Draw conclusions
Background Research – 11 pts (include info of starch content in two types of potatoes as well as other information comparing/contrasting two kinds of potatoes) Must identify sources and be in student’s own words. Student’s full Name:
Research Question– 11 points What did you find out about the content of the two kinds of potatoes – compare/contrast
Hypothesis - 11 points
Materials List – 11 points (must be detailed with exact amounts or sizes listed)Enter as a list or bulleted.
Procedures – 11 points (detailed – include exact amounts and units of measure; must have exact steps in order)
Constants/Variables – 11 pts use exact measured amounts where needed/ be specific Control/Constants in experiment: Variable(s) in experiment
Data – 11 points (can create a graph or table of results of two mixtures) Number of ________ Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3 Average SAMPLE
Data sample
Results – 11 points compare the amounts and characteristics of two mixtures – what did you observe-what was unique about the mixtures?
Minimum of 2 pictures of you doing experiment - 11 points Click - Insert, Picture to add picture (May add more slides for more pictures; pictures must be labeled explaining what they show).
Conclusion – 11 points Did you prove your hypothesis? Why or why not? How can you improve the experiment? What did you conclude from this experiment? (If more room is needed to answer all 3 questions you may add more slides)