6 TYPES OF HIGH SCHOOLS - Artistic or Music High School - Classic High School - Linguistic High School - Human Sciences High School - Scientific High School Two-Years + One Year
Classical High School and Scientific High School CLASSICAL Main Subjects are: Italian, Latin and Greek. The Students choose this school to discover the cultural, historical and artistic heritage and to investigate the basis of the modern civilization throughout the studies of the humanities. Scientific Main Subjects are: Maths, Science, Phyisics and Chemistry, Latin. Students choose this school for a knowledge that puts together humanistic and scientific studies.
Linguistic High School and Human Sciences High School LINGUISTIC Main subjects are: English, French, Spanish (or other languages) Students choose this school to learn european languages, to deal with more linguistic and cultural systems and to be able to move in an international context HUMAN SCIENCES Students of Human Sciences study relationships between personal identity and human relations Main Subjects are Human Sciences i.e. Anthropology,Psychology,Social studies,Educational studies...
Dance, music and art High schools Students : perform and analyze styles of music of different genres and styles Main Subjects are: Virtual Arts, Architecture, Design, Graphics and Dance. Students choose this school to express their creativity