homeroom 1 st row second row third row forth row
Homeroom instructions Line up at the door Breakfast selection Get in assigned seat and seat quietly When called for locker top or bottom boy even Food will be passed out by Mrs sloan Pledge/announcements Stay seated until dismissed. Put trash in bag on way out
Bell Schedule: Homeroom/Locker: 7:29 – 7:50 1 st Block: (Planning) 7:53 – 8:53 2 nd Block: 8:56 – 9:56 Locker: 9:57 – 10:00 3 rd Block: 10:01 – 11:01 Lunch:11:04 – 11:44 4 th Block: 11:47 – 12:47 5 th Block: 12:50 – 1:50 Locker: 1:51 – 1:54 6 th Block – 1:55- 2:55
Classroom Expectations Seventh Grade Science Mrs Sloan
2 nd Block 1st row 2 nd row 3 rd row 4 th row Bellringer: Find your seat and start on the student interest inventory sheet
3 rd Block 1st row 2 nd row 3 rd row 4 th row Bellringer: Find your seat and start on the student interest inventory sheet
4 th Block 1 st row second row third row forth row Bellringer: Find your seat and start on the student interest inventory sheet
5 th Block 1 st row second row third row forth row Bellringer: Find your seat and start on the student interest inventory sheet
6 th Block 1 st row second row third row forth row Bellringer: Find your seat and start on the student interest inventory sheet
My Family
Go over syllabus
Grading Grades are based on the accumulation of points. Points are based on: Class participation (effort) Completion of assignments (daily work) Labs, Homework, Projects, Quizzes and Tests Grade reports are usually given out after a test, and must be signed and returned the following day you are in class. Our Grading Scale % = A 85-92% = B 75-84% = C 74-70% = D Below 69% = F Grades are calculated on cumulative percentage and are rounded up whenever possible.
Classroom procedures Sounding of Bell Everyone (unless told differently) should… Lined up on the wall in the hallway waiting permission to enter the classroom Have notebook on desk and begin you bellringer (table of contents bellringer homework first ) When your teacher takes attendance you are in your assigned seat Vacant seat means the student is absent
Tardy If you are tardy to class please report to my desk and sign tardy log sheet. (if you have a legitimate pass you will be excused. Otherwise you will follow the tardy policy in your handbook).
Reviewing/ giving of assignments No talking is allowed about outside subjects No student is better than another. All students will participate in class Everyone will be respectful to their classmates at all times
Instruction time Respect Any manner in which you place yourself as being disrespectful to anyone while you are in room 513 or in lab room 506 will be met with disciplinary action. The following are examples of disrespectful acts: Profanity Put downs Physical contact Causing Distractions
Ending of class You do not prepare to leave until instructed to do so At the sound of the departure bell you are in your assigned desk Your area is clean or you will receive work detail detention
Our School-Wide Rules Are: B e Prepared E xercise Safety A ct Responsibly R espect Self/Others S uccess Follows Be Safe
enter quietly Stay in Seat Listen to/ follow adult direction respect self /others respect school and use appropriateallow others to concentrate Student propertylanguagewhile working/testing
Responsibility for Coursework Bring notebook(isn), textbook(essentials, and appropriate writing tools to class. Know due dates, and submit all coursework on time. All assignments are posted on the board, with objective and standard we are covering.
have id on lanyard have materials around the ready neck and visible Be Prepared Bring classroom study Procedures immediately daily
Policies Food and beverages are not allowed in the lab. You may not wear opened toed shoes in the lab. You must sharpen your pencil at your desk. Once you enter the room, you do not go back out. If you walk by a water fountain or bathroom on your way to my class, use it then. Please line up outside of classroom until instructed to come in. Go directly to your seat and start on the bellringer. Absences Ask team members or a classmate first for assignments. All make-up work is located in your class folder. Make-up tests are expected to be completed on the day you return, there are some exceptions to this rule and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Each absence has a one-day grace period.
Interactive science notebook
Daily Assignments Every day you will have a bell ringer and homework. Every week you will have a separate list of vocabulary words that may or may not relate to our current subject matter. You will be quizzed every week on these words either by a separate quiz or included in a chapter test. We will also have group work, partner work, independent work, and teacher led activities. We will use the computer cart/lab from time to time as well.
Follow direction See teacher for missing assignments Act Responsibly Bring classroom Exercise Self-control Return all materials to it appropriate place
Classroom Procedures Stay in your seats at all times. All trash needs to be thrown away at the end of class. If you have to get out of your seat (sharpen pencil), raise your hand first, then ask, you may or may not be given permission because I may be in the middle of discussion. Keep all necessary materials out on your desk until directed otherwise. You do not carry unnecessary materials to the lab. I will dismiss you, the clock DOES NOT dismiss you.
Exercise Safety Wait to Be dismissed By teacher
Classroom Procedures cont’d… Fire Drills: Leave all materials, line up quietly and orderly. I will lead you to the assigned area outside. Do not get loud, do not get out of line, do not run. Once we are outside, I will call roll, you must be in line. We will stay in line until directed to re-enter the building. We will continue with class once we return.
Classroom Procedures cont’d…. Visitors People will enter the classroom from time to time to walk around the classroom. You are to remain quiet and orderly, and continue working on assignment. You should always know what we are working on, if in doubt, check the board, the overhead, or ask a partner. STAY ON TASK
Computer Lab Procedures Sit at your assigned computer. Use inside voices at all times as we are surrounded by other classes. Do not print, save all information on the H drive. I will discuss more procedures later…….
Consequences Behavior 1st Warning 2 nd Warning with parent contact 3 rd Chill Pass Sheet * 4 th Referral \ Part of the PBIS system in place
Follow All School-Wide Expectations Consequences for non-compliance: \ Behavior (1st Warning, 2 nd Warning with parent contact, 3 rd Chill Pass Sheet, 4 th Referral) \ Office Referral for anything major without Behavior Log \ Loss of privileges \ Assigned to BIP \ Suspension \ Expulsion
My Pledge to Students I will trust you until you give me reason to do otherwise. I will respect you and work with you to solve problems. I will promptly correct and offer feedback on your work. I will work with you to meet learning goals. I will offer extra help and alternative assessments should you require them. However, I do not give extra credit if you are not completing the given assignments.