Mercury Mercury name is from the roman God of trade, merchants and travelers later equated with the Greek God Hermes. Mercury color is grey, it has no atmosphere. Mercury is the smallest planet in both mass and diameter. It diameter is of about 4,879 km. Mercury orbit is 27,910,000 km from sun. Mercury is a planet of extreme temperature variations. The temperature on the planet may reach 450 degrees C during the day. But at nigh, the temperature may drop as low as -170 degrees C. the distance from the sun to Mercury is 58 million km.
Venus Venus was the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. In Greek, her name was Aphrodite. The diameter of Venus is 12,100 km. Venus is the second closest planet from the sun. The color of Venus is like caramel brown. Temperature in venus is hot, the temperature in the surface is about 460 degrees Celsius. Venus has no moon.
Earth Earth's Greek name was Gaea. Earth was the mother of the mountains, valleys, streams and all other land formations. She was married to Uranus, and had a baby name Saturn. The diameter of Earth is 7,926 miles. Earth have 1 moon, it is called “Luna”. Earth rotates about its own axis times. The Earth's axis rotation is tilted 23.4 degrees. The properties of earth is rocks and soil, fossil, animals, living things and wood. The temperature of the earth is highest 56.7c and lowest is -86c. Except for extreme location. Earth shapes is an approximate. The distance from the sun s km. Earth's distance from the closest planet is Mars and Venus.
Mars Mars name is after the Greek God of war Martius and Martialis. Mars is km away from the sun. the diameter in mars is km. The closest planet with Mars is Earth. The properties in Mars are all rocks. The color of the rocks are red. The temperature is -55C to -133C. But when it is summer the temperature went up to 27C. Mars spin it axis very hours. Mars orbit sun In 687 Earth day. Mars moon is called Deimos and Phobos moon.
Jupiter Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun, it is the largest planet within the Solar system. The condition of Jupiter have a rough condition, the temperatures can reach -145 degrees C. the temperature could reach 9,726 degrees Celsius. The winds are able to reach 300 mph and above. Jupiter is mostly made of gas such as helium, hydrogen and methane. The gasses is what cause the color of Jupiter cloud of gas. The gravity in Jupiter is 2.5 times what is here on Earth. The name of Jupiter was named after the Roman God Jupiter which means the Kings of God in Roman and was named of Jupiter because of its size that is gigantic. The mass of Jupiter is 318 times the size of Earth and a half of all planet in the Solar system combined. Jupiter take 10 hours to complete one rotation. The distance from the sun is 778 million km. Jupiter has moons. The closest planet to Jupiter is Mars.
Saturn Saturn name is from the Roman God of agriculture. Saturn have moons. Saturn mass is 95 times more than Earth. The distance from the sun is km. The distance from the closest planet is Jupiter its about 690 million miles. The wide of Saturn is 7330 km. Saturn's moon was 53 or 60 moons, Saturn had many types of moon. The gravity In Saturn was less than it is on Earth. Saturn are surrounded by ice clouds when the ice clouds melt it makes a liquid water. That's why in Saturn is so cold. The temperature in this planet is -250 degrees. The color of this planet is mostly light browns because of the old rocks and the dusty area. Saturn revolving the sun for 10,759 Earth days.
Uranus The name of Uranus, was also the name of the Lord of the skies and also called Earth Husband. Uranus have 22 moons. Uranus weight is kg. The gravity in Uranus is 8.69 m/s2. The color of Uranus is blue and green it is cause by the methane gas around it self. The distance of Uranus and the sun are 1,9 billion miles. The distance of Neptune to Uranus is 911,453,788 miles. And Uranus and Saturn is 1.45 million km. That rotation impact each day in Uranus to be 17.9 hours and each year is years to earth, because of its long orbit path. Uranus rotate in a clock wise way.
Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet in the solar system. Neptune has moons, Neptune have 13 moons, one of the moon is called Triton which is the largest of them all. The color of Neptune is blue its is because they are full of methane gas. Neptune tilted around 28.3 degrees and is tilting from right to left. The name of Neptune is from the god of the sea in the Roman Mythology, and their moons are called after Minor God of Sea from the Greek and Roman Mythology. This planet has The Great Dark Spot which is a storm, the diameter of Neptune is 49,500 km. The distance from the sun is 4,500 million km. The properties of Neptune is gas and ice. The gravity is 10.71m/sec2.
Earth’s moon The diameter of earth is 3,476 km. The mass is 7,349 x 1022 kg. The color is grey to white. The distance from earth takes 384,400 km. Earth moon orbit take 27 days to go all the way around the earth. The temperature during night is 387 Fahrenheit, while during the day its 253 Fahrenheit.
Moon The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth and the fifth largest satellite in the Solar System. It is the largest natural satellite of a planet in the Solar System relative to the size of its primary. The mass of moon is million kg. The shape was like an egg. The distance from earth is for km. The diameter is 3476 km. Moon revolution takes days. The moon orbital velocity takes km/sec. Its called Selene and Artemis by the Greeks.
Galaxies Galaxy is the result of more than billions of star combining themselves into shapes that is now known as galaxy. It is a collection of stars, gas, and dust combine together because of gravity. One of the galaxies is The name Milky Way galaxy came from the name milky, which means the glowing band in the night sky. Milky way galaxy is he galaxy that belongs to our solar system. It is a barred spiral galaxy, 100,000 – 120,000 light years in the diameter(1 light years is about 9.5x1015 meters) and it consist of 200 – 400 billions of stars. The other was also Andromeda is the largest galaxy. It contains about 30 smaller galaxies. Although it is the largest galaxy, it many not be the heaviest and darkest of all galaxy in the galaxy neighborhood. it many not be the most massive one. It is also the nearest galaxy to our galaxy, but overall it is not the nearest. It is a spiral galaxy.
Meteoroids The size of meteoroids is almost the same as an very giant rock but some is as small as a normal rock. The mass of meteoroids are also around 30 to 100 kg. The color of meteoroids is usually black, grey, brown or even dark red. The temperature when meteoroids are approaching earth are 20 to 50 degrees. But if its out of the atmosphere it can be as cold as 0-20 degrees. The condition is its oval, and circle and also sometimes unreadable. The name of meteoroids are because when its approaching earth it look like falling stars.
Asteroids Asteroids are small, airless rocky, dry and dusty worlds revolving around the sun that are too small to be called planets. Most asteroids are quite small, under 1 km in size. The ass of all asteroids added together would be less than the mass of the moon. The closest planet is Jupiter and Mars. The temperature can range from something on the order of -73 degrees C near the inner edge down to degrees C. asteroids take 2 to 18 hours to fully form from the same dust and gas that the sun and other planets are formed by.
Comets A comet is an icy small Solar System body (SSSB) that, when close enough to the Sun, displays a visible coma (a thin, fuzzy, temporary atmosphere) and sometimes also a tail. As a comet gets closer to the sun, the ice on the surface of the nucleus begins turning into gas, forming a cloud known as the coma. Asteroids classify comets based on the durations of their orbits around the sun. Short-period comets need roughly 200 years or less to complete one orbit, long-period comets take more than 200 years, and single-apparition comets are not bound to the sun, on orbits that take them out of the solar system. Normally, in the outer parts of our Solar System comet temperatures range between -200 C to -250 C. The color of comets is Blue, white, red, purple and green.
Stars A star is a sphere that is held together by the force of gravity. Sun are also parts of sun, the diameter is 1,390,000, the mass of sun is 1,989 e 30 kg. The oldest star discovered is HE , which is estimated 13.2 billion years old. Some stars are 600,000 times brighter than our sun. 65% of all stars are actually doubled stars. The closest star to earth is Proxma Centauri (except sun), is located 4.2 light years away. The second closest star to Earth is Barnard star that is 6 light years away. There are 250 billion stars in the milky way galaxy.
Sun The Sun was named sol after the ancient roman name. At the white spots on the Sun is the most hot part. The red part are not as hot as the white parts. The history of the Sun is that it has been changing colors and sometimes it get’s hotter and hotter because the seasons and the hotness in the earth is hotter so the sun is getting hotter and hotter.
Differences between Earth and Jupiter JupiterSimilaritiesEarth Fifth planet from the sun It’s the most biggest planet from all the planets Third planet from the sun The temperature is o C – o C The temperature is 56.7 C o C Its mostly made of gasIts mostly made of rocks It takes 10 hour to finish a single orbit Moon: 63-67Moon: 1 Distance from the sun is 718 million km Distance from the sun is km