The George E. Brown Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulations An Introduction MEP Camp 2011
Welcome !
What is NEES? The Network of Earthquake Engineering Simulations is a network of motivated scientist and engineers who collaborate on exciting projects and meet annually to share their research results at meetings and conferences. These scientist work in teams, and hire graduate students to help them conduct research. These scientist work TOGETHER!!!
NEES has a total of 14 research sites across the US!
George E. Brown NEES is named in memory of George E. Brown Jr., who was the chairman of the House Science committee and a champion of engineering and science in Congress for more than 30 years Congressman Brown left behind a deep and expansive legacy that has shaped science and science policy in America
… So what do these scientist DO? Scientist at NEES simulate natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis so that they can understand how to design infrastructure such as schools, bridges, highways, and houses. They use large-scaled instruments like shake tables and tsunami basins to test structures on. This testing procedure helps them determine how to better mitigate damage in an earthquake disaster
NEES is headquartered in Discovery Park at Purdue University The Education Outreach and Training, and Information Technology division of NEES is also housed in Discovery Park Together we make a dynamic team!
NEES Gives Back! The Education Outreach and Training division gives back by participating in fairs, conferences, camps (like you guys), and classroom visits! We are also a participant in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates. We host about 40 students every year that work at our sites across the nation Check out students for more info! students