CE114 Unit Seven Seminar: Physical and Motor Development: Ages 4 and 5
Welcome to seminar! Hello! While you are waiting, please feel free to chat among yourselves. I am sure you have lots to talk about. I am looking forward to tonight’s discussion.
Reminders, review, questions…
Unit Seven Course Outcomes CE114-2: Identify milestones in infants, toddlers, and early childhood development. CE114-3: Describe biological and environmental factors affecting infant, toddler, and early childhood development.
Thought for the Day… Kids: they dance before they learn there is anything that isn't music. ~William Stafford
Topic One In what ways does the development of a child's physical and motor skills affect their social, emotional, and cognitive development?
Topic Two Growth and development depend on an intricate interplay among heredity and environmental influences (both nature and nurture). As an Early Childhood Professional, how can you provide an environment in which children can maximize their inherent potential?
Nutrition Establish regular eating schedules Avoid unscheduled snacks Provide healthy snacks Encourage hydration with water Allow children to help in planning meals Allow children to help in the kitchen
Topic Three How can Early Childhood Professionals facilitate physical and motor development in children ages 4 and 5? Consider both large and small motor development in your response.
Large & Small Motor Development Large Motor Health-related fitness Performance-related fitness Small Motor Prehension Dexterity
Topic Four What are some factors (both developmental and environmental) associated with the safety and health of young children ages 4 and 5? Please include safety factors associated with playgrounds A Quick Checklist For Parents: Keep Your Children S.A.F.E. http://www.playgroundsafety.org/safety/checklist.htm
Unit 9 Project… Appealing and informative handout for parents. Include an introductory paragraph Single page or tri-fold format Cite your sources!
Things to do… Complete Readings Participate in Discussion Participate in Seminar Complete Graded Review
Think about…. A three year old child is a being who gets almost as much fun out of a set of swings as it does out of finding a small green worm. ~Bill Vaughan