Wordpieces 3.2
Root: rap To snatch Greedy; devouring
rapacious Adjective Seizing everything; greedy Synonym: demanding; ravenous Antonym: giving
rapt Adjective Giving total attention to; captivated Synonym: fascinated Antonym: inattentive
surreptitious Adjective Hidden or secret; done without notice Synonym: sneaky; sly Antonym: open
Root: cep Seize; take
perceptible adjective Able to be noticed or felt Synonym: noticeable; observable Antonym: invisible
susceptible adjective Able to be influenced Synonym: impressionable; vulnerable
precept Noun An idea important to a system of beliefs Synonym: commandment; principle
Root: vor to eat
voracious Adjective Devouring everything Synonym: insatiable; gluttonous
omnivorous Adjective Feeding on both animals and plants
herbivorous Adjective Eating only plants
carnivorous Adjective Eating only meat
Root: cad/cas To fall
decadent Adjective Overly luxurious and lacking moral restraint; excessive Synonym: corrupt; immoral Antonym: restrained
cadence Noun Rhythmic rise and fall Synonym: tempo; rhythm
casualty Noun Something or someone injured, killed or eliminated Synonym: victim