9/29 – Compelling Question What are some reasons Europeans would want to explore other parts of the world?
9/30 – Compelling Question Do governmental leaders have a right to expand their territory?
Fall of Rome After Rome was destroyed by invading barbarian tribes, all that was left was the Eastern part of the Empire. This was called the Byzantine Empire. It’s capital was Constantinople, named after Emperor Constantine.
Turks Move Into Byzantium Byzantine Empire was declining Anatolia was inhabited mostly by Islamic Turks. They saw themselves as “ghazis” – warriors of Islam. Osman was the greatest ghazi of all. He built up a small kingdom in Anatolia between 1300 and 1326.
Ottoman Military Success Ottomans – Followers of Osman were very successful Knew how to use gunpowder for muskets and cannons Orkhan I – Osman’s son declares himself “sultan”. 1361 – Conquers Adrianople – 2 nd largest Byzantine city.
The Emerging Ottoman Empire The Ottoman’s improved the lives of conquered people. Ruled through local officials hired by the sultan. All Muslims were required to serve in the Ottoman military. Non-Muslims had to pay tax instead.
Expansion Orkhan son’s fought over who would rule. (Mehmed I became sultan) His son, Murad II, conquered Venice, invaded Hungary, and defeated Italian crusaders. Murad’s son, Mehmed II, conquered Constantinople (Capital of Byzantines)
Mehmed the Conquerer After sacking Constantinople he opened it up to people from all religions. Christians and Jews. All helped rebuild city into greatest in world. Now called “Instanbul”. Mehmed II’s grandson, Selim the Grim, conquered North Africa, Egypt, Jerusalem, and Mecca.
Bell Ringer 2/9 What was the capital of the Byzantine Empire? Who conquered it? What did he rename it?
Current Events 2/9 1) Why are the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine meeting today? 2) In what country is there fighting going on in Europe? 3) What is Great Britains national anthem? 4) Who is currently the head monarch of Great Britain? 5) What were the Crusades?
Suleyman the Lawgiver 1520 – Selim’s son, Suleyman, came to the throne. Known to Europeans as Suleyman the Magnificent. Increased empires size and grandeur. Threatened to take over Europe. Was most powerful man in world.
Ottoman Map 1
Suleiman Ruled from Made Ottoman Empire the richest & most powerful empire in Europe and Southwest Asia at the time
Suleiman Greatest Ottoman leader of all time Brought justice & harmony by publishing a code of laws (“The Lawgiver”) Feared & respected by Europeans Turned Istanbul into a great center of art, music, writing, and philosophy Wrote some of the most beautiful poetry of his time
Suleiman Pic
Expansion Suleiman believed that the entire world was his possession as a gift of God. Vast amounts of Islamic territories were annexed or invaded. Very strong military Expert in developing gunpowder as a military tool
Islam Map
The Muslim Ottoman Empire eventually controlled what is now: Turkey Egypt Greece Bulgaria Romania Macedonia Hungary Palestine Jordan Lebanon Syria Much of the coastal strip of North Africa Parts of Arabia
Trade Located on major trade routes between Europe & Asia Some goods traded were: Silk & other cloth Rhubarb Porcelain from China Spices such as pepper Dyes such as indigo
Trade map
John Green Ottomans