Copyright © The Beyond Intractability Project Beyond Intractability is a Registered Trademark of the University of Colorado PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes
Slide 2: Convening Processes Convening Processes are initial meetings or inquiries which “pave the way” for actual conflict resolution processes. They seek to determine: Whether a conflict resolution process might be: - Possible - Successful Who should be involved How the process should be structured and run Who should run the process PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes
Slide 3: Conveners Conveners are: Organizers who ensure the resolution process can proceed May or may not be the same as the eventual mediator Conveners should be: Credible -- according to each party Unbiased Trustworthy -- according to each party Knowledgeable -- about the issues at hand PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes
Slide 4: Steps to the Convening Process Conflict Assessment Stakeholder Identification Obtain resources Design processes PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes
PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes Slide 5: Conflict Assessment Establishes the convener goals Defines the issues Frames the issues Examines the context of the dispute
PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes Slide 6: Stakeholder Identification Identifies all interested parties Determines likely stance of parties Determines the needs of each party Determines parties’ willingness to participate
PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes Slide 7: Obtain Resources Identifies necessary resources, including: Funding Forum/location A competent third party Secures these resources
PowerPoint Summary of: Convening Processes Slide 8: Process Design Help parties set ground rules Set an agenda Develop a strategic plan Ensure agreement will be incorporated into official decision-making structures