Choosing a winning team – Lk.5:1-31; 6:12-16
1. The coach/manager – Jesus, his authority a. In teaching – 4:22; 5:1-3 b. In all of life – 5:4,5 c. Over people - to forgive sin – 5:20 - to select/commission – 5:10,27; 6:13
2. The team – qualities needed a. The team – 6: Some are unknown 2. Two are enemies 3. One is a traitor 4. All are ordinary
b. The qualities needed 1. Humility - seeing what God is like - seeing what we are like –5:8,31,32 2. Faith – 100% commitment to Jesus 5:11,28. Jesus is Saviour & Master 3. Respond to call - catching people for God – 5:10 - making disciples of all nations-Mt:28: being witnesses to Jesus – Acts 1:8
3. Joining Jesus’s team a. Invitation to all b. Repent – know you are a sinner c. Trust in Jesus – total commitment d. Take hold of your call – to be a witness to Jesus - by your life – be a Jesus “sample” - by your words