Growing a 6 t crop in the Mallee in a decile 2 year
Yitpi sown May 16, 2011
September 28 (at flowering)
October 16
Yield calculation 111 heads per m row at 30cm row spacing = 366 heads/m 2 36 grain/head at 45g 1000 grain wt 10% over estimation 5.3 t/ha
NVT Trial NVT site average 5.0 t/ha Corack 5.6 t/ha, 10% protein Yitpi 4.7 t/ha, 10.5% Paddock yield 4.7 t/ha, 11 to 11.8% protein Why not 6 t?
Yield Prophet Does it have a ‘fit’ in the West Midlands Region NAMI funding partners: Facilitator: Harm van Rees, Birchip Cropping Group Grower Panel: Jeff Fordham, Andrew Kenny, Peter Negus
Classifying a soil from scratch WMG estimate $3,000- $3,500 per site
Site 1 Soil: Red sandy earth (Dandaragan 905) Location: Regans Ford Farmer: Peter Negus
Site 1 Red sandy earth Site 2 Yellow deep sand Site 3 Yellow/brown shallow loamy duplex Site 4 Brown deep sand The crop Crop & Variety:MagentaCalingiri Seeding date:2 June8 June31 May3 June Seeding rate100kg 95kg85 kg The season GSR:556mm330mm497mm433mm Rainfall decile at 31 October 6353 Nitrogen Initial N status As at 11 April 85kg35kg99 kg31 kg YP N applied82kg77kg113 kg106 kg Yield YP yield2.8 t/ha2.2 t/ha6.7 t/ha4.0 t/ha Actual yield3 t/ha1.2 t/ha4.9 t/ha3.7 t/ha Paddock average- Yield across all soil types in paddock 3 t/ha1.5 t/ha4.85 t/ha2.8 t/ ha