Veteran Jessica Foulke, sr., Lawrence, prepares to go geocaching, a high-tech scavenger hunt in which participants use satellite coordinates to log their visit, take one object, then deposit another for the next explorers.
Megan McKnight, jr., Salina, peruses the official geocaching Web site to decide with Foulke which cache they wish to seek out. They eventually opted for a cache rated above the minimum one-star difficulty level.
McKnight inputs the cache’s satellite location into a handheld Garmin global positioning system. A GPS is the primary instrument in the tool bag of any devoted geocacher.
After they load into their vehicle, Foulke confirms the GPS’s guidance instructions with an old- fashioned paper map of the state. McKnight recommended an efficient route the two could take in order to complete the trip in the quickest time.
The geocaching duo are near enough to the final coordinates to park and finish the trek on foot. They parked at Excelsior Cemetery before getting out to analyze their surroundings and the possible whereabouts of the cache.
Stumped by the cemetery’s gates being locked, Foulke and McKnight reason that the cache must lie outside the main premises. Mc-Knight double checked the cache’s coordinates while Foulke held their traceable deposit.
In an old, open, maintenance shed near the parking lot, Foulke examines a pile of flowers for the cache while McKnight acts as visual backup. The cache, however, was not found within the shed.
Foulke and McKnight make a few passes in the cache’s general proximity indicated by their GPS. Though the two expressed frustration with the coordinates not being exact, Foulke and McKnight did not give up their search.
Foulke catches a glimpse of the cache in a niche of a tree a few feet south of the nearby gravel road. Foulke called to McKnight to come over to assist her in retrieving the cache, a.50 caliber ammunition canister wedged between two limbs.
Congratulating each other for having found the cache but pressed for time, the duo hurriedly opens the geocaching canister. McKnight signed the enclosed logbook and Foulke snagged a new Spongebob Squarepants wristwatch before leaving her toy cow tracking bug and returning the cache to its home.